Chapter 21: Opening Up

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On your way out of your room one morning, you were surprised when you saw Modeus slip out of her room and down the stairs.

More notably, she was wearing a loose white coloured t-shirt and a pair and red shorts. The shorts she was wearing were particularly short as well.

You followed her down the stairs and found her stood in the middle of the living room.

"Modeus? What's with the get up?" She was just in the middle of tying her hair up when she turned to face you.

Her heart shaped pupils glowing brightly as she gazed upon you.

"Oh Y/N! Just the person who I was hoping would ask~......" The alarm bells were already ringing inside of your head as she slowly made her way towards you.

"Would you like to come with me?~"

"Th-that depends....w-where are you going?" You gulped.

Luckily, you were saved from certain molestation by Azazel who cheerfully made her way down the stairs.

"Good morning!!" She exclaimed.

Smiling at you, she then turned to Modeus before gasping. "Oh! What's with the costume? Are you by any chance going to work out at the local gym?"

"In a way....yes. You could call it that...." Modeus sounds annoyed due to Azazel's interruption.

"Miss Modeus...I do hope you realise that scenarios from adult internet content do not happen in real life!" The angel innocently told her.

"W-wait.....are you talking about po-." You were stopped by Modeus who has gasped loudly and grabbed Azazel by the collar.

"You're! Lying! I've seen tons of videos!" She yelled in her face.

"Th-those were all actors!" Azazel said desperately trying to get away.

"So what? Maybe put gym has actors too?!" The lustful demon held her collar even tighter.

"I-it does not! I checked!" The angels response caused a sort of standoff between the two of them.

This lasted for a few seconds before Modeus finally let her go.

"So.....those videos....are all actors?" She sounded deflated as she looked to you for an answer.

"Y-yeah. Anything you watch online is played by actors Modeus." You looked at her and then at Azazel.

"You're not telling me that you've watched porn with Azazel here have you?"

"What? Of course I have! She said it would be good help for her research!" That explained a lot.

You'd often see the two of them gathered around a laptop, but you never went over to check on what they might be watching.

They weren't children and could watch what they wanted. However, you knew now that you should've kept more of an eye on Azazel. She was easily influenced and far too pure.

"I see....I really should've done more to keep our angel here pure....however I suppose it was bound to happen...." You sigh and crouch down to help Azazel up off the floor.

"I-it is alright Y/N! It was a worthy sacrifice for my research!" Her smile and sparkle in her eyes had rapidly returned.

"If you say so....." You pat her on the head and kiss her on the cheek.

That dream still lingered in the back of your mind though. Is that really what Azazel could become in the future? Or was it just a really bad nightmare and your mind was playing tricks with you.

The Harem From Hell (Helltaker x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon