Chapter 25: Heaven Meets Hell

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That was the single best word that could describe how you were feeling sat in the living room with the two angels. Waiting for the other girls to get back from shopping was eating away at you.

You were terrified as to what might happen. What if they fought? What if someone got injured? What if they all had to leave and go back to hell?

To be fair to the angels, you thought that they would probably wish to avoid any sort of proper fight or confrontation with them. After all, they did say they were tasked with keeping the world safe.

But you just got the feeling that the demon girls wouldn't be so civil.

"I can tell you are nervous human. Do not worry. This situation will be resolved while leaving you unharmed." Micheal broke a long silence which made you jump a little.

"O-oh I'm not really afraid of me getting hurt! I'm more....worried about anyone else getting hurt." You reply to her, voicing your concern.

"Trust me when I say that we will only use force if we have to. If they leave us no choice that is." You looked up at Micheal.

There was a serious yet, sympathetic look on her face. You nodded your head to acknowledge what she said before you looked at the ground again.

"One more thing before they all get back...." You look back up at Micheal again.

"You don't perhaps...know where one of our own might be do you?"

"One of your own? Do you mean another angel?" You knew immediately that she was on about Azazel.

"Yes....she has been away from heaven for some time and it's starting to concern me. Especially seeming as she has an unnatural obsession with those that dwell in the underworld." Her eye twitched a little.

"R-Right....look I-I haven't lied to you so far so I shouldn't do so now but-." You began to speak but was cut off when you heard the key turning in the lock of the front door.

You froze. They had come back a lot sooner than you expected them to! The door opened and you could hear the excited voices of Cerberus and their rushing footsteps.

"Home! Home! We are-." They rushed into the living room while chanting in unison, but their excitement was cut short when they saw the two angels sat on the sofa.

Immediately they retreated around the corner and must've collided into Judgement as she exploded into a rant.

Not a moment later, Lucifer walked around the corner. Her eyes widened a little when she set her eyes on Micheal.

The angel stared back at her as she slowly stood up. "Lucifer." She simply said.

".......Micheal......" The queen of hell slowly turned her head to you.

"Y/N. Why are they here?!"

"Th-they came knocking! I-it's not like I can turn them away! I-I didn't know what they would do!" You defended yourself as Micheal took a few steps towards Lucifer.

" haven't done anything to him...have you?" Lucifer's voice significantly deepened as she clenched her fists.

"No I have not. The human has not and will not be harmed." Micheal cooly replied, not phased by Lucifer.

"Is she telling the truth?" Lucy turned to face you again.

The aura coming off of her was absolutely terrifying and made you shrink away a little. You nodded your head which made her ease up a little.

The Harem From Hell (Helltaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now