Chapter 16: A Strange Visitor

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After life got back to as normal as it was ever going to be with a house full of demons and an angel, you of course went back to work.

You and your brother both worked and earned more than enough money between you to provide for this growing household.

Today was a much needed day off. A day where you found yourself sitting on the couch, watching Malina play video games.

From the kitchen, you could smell the pancakes that Lucy was cooking up. Modeus was sat next to you and for once, wasn't looking to badger you for sex.

In fact, she was reading a book. A romantic comedy no less. She seemed really engrossed in it too, so you thought it best to not disturb her.

Sighing, you lean back on the couch and stare up at the ceiling. Closing your eyes, you began to reflect on the choices that brought you to this point.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Lucy was busy humming to herself and flipping pancakes, quite happy with her current situation.

All of a sudden, her concentration was broken by someone nervously clearing their throat from behind her.

"Yes? Who is it?" She asked without turning around to face them.

"M-Miss Lucifer....m-may I have a word with you please?" It was Azazel. The angel had been acting differently since you had returned from the abyss.

More specifically, after you kissed her on the cheek. She had been trying to do research on why you might have decided to do it, but found nothing.

So she had been asking around the house to get other views. They weren't the best views in the world though. In fact, some were worse than others.

"Why....yes you can. Allow me to finish what I am doing first." Lucy flipped one last pancake onto a plate and set it down on the side.

Now, she turned around to face the angel.

"Okay. Go ahead and tell me what it is you want to speak to me about."

"W-well.....w-when you brought Y/N back from the abyss....he uhm.....gave me what I believe is called 'A peck on the cheek'." Her face began to go red.

"I-I did some research to find that out! C-could you maybe tell me....why he might've done it? I-I asked the others but.....they didn't really seem to have any answers....or seemed to care really...."

Lucifer smirked and slowly approached the angel. "Oh the innocent mind of an angel~.....I gather it won't be long before that is taken away from you~...." She chuckled.

"M-Miss Lucifer?!" Azazel stuttered.

"It is clear that over the time you have been too have fallen for him...." She stopped in front of the angel and put a hand on her shoulder.

"I-I admit....I-I've been feeling....different around him....l-like his presence makes me....feel warm and safe...." She trailed off and stared at the ground.

"I-I know you're sort of...closer to him than most of the others...s-so is"

Lucifer was silent for a moment before nodding. "I'd definitely say it is...."

She knew that sooner or later, everyone would fall in love with you (if they hadn't done already).

The bond that the group held was gradually becoming stronger.

"O-oh wow....o-okay....I-I better write all of this down!" The flustered Azazel quickly backed out of the kitchen and rushed back upstairs into her room.

At least now she knew what she was feeling. And soon, she would be able to tell you about it.

For now, you opened your eyes again and looked to the side to see that Modeus had disappeared from beside you. She had left the book she was reading on the couch.

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