Chapter 40: The Ascension To Heaven

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You were feeling a combination of dread and a slight bit of excitement in the lead up to your trip to heaven. The fear of the unknown kept you in check as you didn't know what to expect while up there.

"Should've seen this coming to be honest. I mean...I did go down to hell and returned with a harem full of demons girls plus an angel." You said.

"It was me who got you into this mess though. If I didn't magically open this portal, I wouldn't be stood here about to watch my little brother being whisked away up to heaven!" Your brother said.

He had come back home after being away for a little while, only to find that you were preparing to leave for heaven.

"Yeah I know...but hey in a way I'm kinda glad you opened that portal. I've had the time of my life with those girls! Even if it technically is sacrilege..." You said while rubbing the back of your head.

"Hopefully God goes easy on ya, eh?" Your brother said, gently nudging you.

"I' careful with what we say now actually. She is always watching." You said.

"She? Ohoho...are you telling me there's a chance you'll add God herself into your little harem?" Your brother teased as you blushed and shook your head.

"Th-there is surely no way that will happen! Just because I somehow managed to do it before, doesn't mean I'm going to miraculously do it again!" You said, embarrassed as you turned your head away.

"Don't deny that you'd like it if did actually happen..." He kept on teasing you as you continued to shake your head to deny it.

"I can smell the angelic stench. They are arriving." Lucifer said as she poked her head around the door to let you know.

"Got it. I'll be there in a moment." You said to her and watched as she disappeared back around the corner again.

You took a deep breath and smiled at your brother.

"Don't worry. I am coming back for sure. I've still got a life to live down here on Earth after all!" You said.

"I know! But I am being serious when I say you better come back! I don't know how I'd explain it all to Mom and Dad if you weren't here when they came back." He replied.

"Yeah...we'll already have a lot to explain to them anyway." You chuckled and gave your brother a hug.

"See you later!" You said as you felt him ruffle your hair.

"See ya! Don't get into any trouble up there!" He responded.

"No guarantees on that! Especially since I'm going to Heh and work a bunch of demons! There's surely going to be a few disagreements!" You said as you started walking out of the room.

You waved at your brother as you walked around the corner and out of the front door of the house. Taking a deep breath, you nodded and walked down the path and onto the main road.

Waiting for you there were all of the demons girls, stood opposite a line of angels that was led by Micheal. Gabriel was nowhere to be seen at this moment in time, so you assumed she hadn't made the trip down.

As soon as she spotted you, Lucifer was quick to grab a hold of your arm and keep you close to her like she was never going to let go. Micheal raised an eyebrow and stepped forward.

The Harem From Hell (Helltaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now