Chapter 37: Not Being Left Out (Baphomet Smut)

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"My my!~ A question for me?~" Baphomet giggled and swooned as you stood there awkwardly, your sweat dropping as you watched her. "I'm honoured!~ What is your question sweetheart?~" She winked and continued to giggle.

"I-it's just something Beel told me the other day. She was talking about her past in heaven with Lucy. She mentioned that you three were all angels once and that you might have a picture of you three." Hearing this caused Baphomet to gasp happily and practically slip across the room.

"Yes yes I do! Now hold on just a second! Let me find it for you!~" She dug into one of the bags she had and spent a good while looking through until she took her head out. "Here we are! Look, look!" She held out a small picture towards you.

Gently, you took it from her. Your eyes slowly widening at the sight.

 Your eyes slowly widening at the sight

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(Apologies for the poor cropping. This is the best I could find of this image. All credit goes to the artist of course. Not too sure of their name, but it's awesome!)

"W-wow....that's you three?" You jaw dropped slightly as Baphomet giggled and nodded.

"Yep! Oh...I can remember my days in heaven like they were yesterday!~" She clasped her hands together and twirled around.

"Y-you all look so pretty.....n-not that you aren't now!" You stuttered out, hoping you didn't offend her.

"Why thank you~....I'm glad you think we were pretty then....and still think we are now~....." You weren't looking at her, but she was slowly making her way over to you. Swaying her hips slightly as she did.

"H-Here. You can have it back now." You turned around and held it out to her. She was practically in your face when you turned. Her eyes holding a slight glow in them as she licked her lips and plucked the photo from your fingers.

"Thank you~...." Without taking her eyes off of you, she pocketed the picture and wrapped her arms around you.

"U-uhm...Baphomet?" You gulped, her gaze making you feel small as her grin widened.

"Please hun....I already told you to call me 'Baphy'! It's such a fun little nickname!" She giggled and pecked your cheek.

"R-right yeah....I forgot you said that to me. Sorry, a lot has been happening recently that I....tend to forget some things." You chuckle awkwardly and try and come away from the embrace.

But she would not let you go and held onto you tighter. "Mmmm~....don't go anywhere~....we hardly get a chance to interact. Why don't you stay a little while?" She was already guiding you to go and sit down. Plus, she was a demon and much stronger than you were. If you tried to get free, she would just hold you tighter.

"'re right anyway. We hardly spend time together." You say just as she set both of you down on the bed.

"Indeed~. I always hear the girls say such wonderful things about you when you're not around! It fascinates me how they behave around you! I never would've expected it!" Her gaze was now less intense and had softened along with her smile.

The Harem From Hell (Helltaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now