Chapter 2: The Demon of Lust

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You had been sweating a lot because of the sheer heat of the surroundings. Well why wouldn't you? It was hell. There was fire burning everywhere and rivers of lava that all joined together to form massive lakes.

"Keep up Y/N! We have a way to go!" Pandemonica called out to you as you looked up to see that you had fallen behind a little.

"Unless you want me to leave you here..." A sadistic smile formed on her face which sent you into a panic as you scrambled to catch up to her.

"N-No don't leave me! I-I'll keep up!!" Your panic amused the demon who chuckled and dropped her sadistic smile.

"Oh I'm kidding Y/N! That would not be very professional of me! As hell's customer service, I am obliged to cater for your needs!" You took your place by her side again and you continued walking.

"So uhm....I didn't actually expect hell to almost act like a business. Having a customer service and all." You were attempting to just make small talk with Pandemonica as you traversed with her.

"Well it is a very organised process. Whenever you mortals die, you are either sent to heaven or here. The souls are then processed by yours truly." She pointed at herself and yawned loudly before rubbing her eyes.

"And one that requires a steady flow of coffee to be supplied so I can stay awake. I still hope you will keep to your offer of providing me with coffee when we are done." She raised her eyebrow at you.

Nodding your head, you held your hands up. "Don't worry Pandemonica! You have my word!"

"Wonderful." She said before yawning once again.

"Hey....." You began to say as she turned to look at you. "You really look as if you need a break. A while to rest maybe?"

She stared at you for a few moments before stopping. "Why....a break would be appreciated. But you still need my assistance. I will only rest once I have done so...." That wasn't going to convince you otherwise. No matter what she said, this woman needed rest.

"Let's pause for a while. Sure I wanna get home, but I can't if my guide isn't able to take me! Right?" You smiled at her.

A faint blush formed on her cheeks as she nodded her head. "Fine....we shall rest for a little while."

There was a large rock nearby that she walked over and sat up against. Walking over, you sat down next to her.

As soon as you did, her head slumped down onto your shoulder. "I shall use your shoulder as a pillow. It looked soft enough....and feels like it too."

"Y-yeah I don't mind!" You said nervously with a blush forming on your face.

She hummed and then yawned again before closing her eyes. Her snoring followed soon after.

"So here I hell....with a demon sleeping on my shoulder...." You pinched yourself this time to double check if you were dreaming or not. "Nope! Not dreaming! This is real...."

You sighed and rubbed your eyes. Your brother must've been worried sick right now. Technically it was his fault you were here, but you knew he didn't intend for this too happen.

It's just that he sometimes got too curious for his own good....


Pandemonica awoke from her nap later on feeling a little better than she did earlier. It would do temporarily until she got her coffee which you had promised.

Speaking of you, you were currently asleep yourself. Trying to catch up hours of sleep you wanted to get earlier on but were interrupted by being dragged down to hell.

The Harem From Hell (Helltaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now