Chapter 30: Satisfaction (Zdrada Smut)

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"Here you are Krampus. Some fresh pancakes for you." You placed the plate of hot pancakes on the table in front of Krampus, who quickly snatched at the first one to stuff it into her mouth. Chocolate oozed out of it and onto her face and dripped onto the plate below.

Sighing and then chuckling, you took a napkin and wiped her face when you got the chance to do so. While she was busy eating, you got around to making Monica's scheduled coffee. Right on cue, the tired demon appeared in the kitchen doorway just as you were finishing.

"Right on time Monica. Here's your coffee!" You place the mug down and slide it across the counter. The demoness stopped it with her hand and picked it up to drink.

"Thank you. I have to say, you seem to be in a pretty lively mood. Didn't Modeus completely drain you dry a day or two ago?" She asked as she took a sip from your coffee.

You stuttered for a second before nodding your head. "Y-yes she did. However a few days of rest and...avoiding her have managed to help me regain my energy properly!"

"That is good news. Although having sex with you is fun, I do dislike seeing you in that state." Monica's more caring side came out for a moment as she smiled softly at you and patted your head gently.

"Y-yeah...heh..." You chuckle just as the smell of smoke filled the room and travelled up your nose. This was all followed by the familiar cackling of Zdrada.

"Oh man....watching Modeus these past few days has been hilarious! She would not sit still whenever you were nearby! You've got a handful man!" She took a long drag from her cigarette and puffed out the usual ridiculous volume of smoke.

"As if I didn't have my hands full already? I'm not complaining though. I love you all being here!" You turn and smile at Zdrada who throws her cigarette away.

"That's good to hear~...." She smirked and walked away, leaving you with Monica and Krampus again.

"I should get back to my work now. I'll see you later on for my next scheduled coffee." She kissed you on the cheek and left the kitchen. You then felt a tug on your shirt. Krampus was holding her plate up to you. She had completely finished all the pancakes you had given her.

"You finished? Good! Looks like you enjoyed them!" You took the plate from her and put it in the dishwasher.

"They're always so yummy! You are as good as my cook back home!" She had a wide grin on her face as she hugged your leg. You smiled and reached down to pat her head.

"I appreciate the compliment!" You chuckle as she lets go and skips out of the kitchen, probably to go and find her aunt. Deciding that you had finished in here for now, you soon followed suit and made your way upstairs.

Entering your room, the door immediately shut and locked behind you. Before you could do anything, a pair of arms locked around you from behind.

"Hmmm~....there you are~...." It was Zdrada. Each word she spoke still resulted in a puff of smoke to come out of her mouth.

"Z-Zdrada?" You gulped as she began to nibble and lick your ear.

"I think it's about time I had my turn~....hearing Pandemonica say how fun it was to have sex with you....tells me all I need to know..." She laughed and turned you around to face her. The smirk on her face stretched right across it.

She quickly enveloped your lips with hers and began to push you over to the bed. You felt your legs hit the end of it and you toppled over, landing flat on your back with Zdrada on top of you.

This was when she pulled away, giving you the chance to catch your breath and regain your senses. "H-Hah....I-I should've seen this coming to be honest...."

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