Chapter 4: The Sour Demon

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You had been following Cerberus for a little while now who in turn were following the strong stench of alcohol that they could smell.

Leading them, to a friend of theirs. You hoped they were being truthful about that.

"We're getting close! Her house should be not that far from here!" One of the demon dog girls said.

The area looked as if it had been swept recently, with a broom resting on one of the rocks nearby. A little sign was hung next to it saying, 'BRB'.

"Looks like Malina got tired of her job too...." Monica said. "Don't blame her sometimes. But she can't keep slacking off or she'll have Lucifer on her ass."

"Just a question...." You began as Pandemonica nodded her head for you to continue. "Lucy is a nickname you have for Lucifer right? Do you only call her that because you are good friends with her or something?"

"Well....I am her secretary of sorts I guess you could say. However, I shouldn't really call her Lucy. She dislikes the name and she requires our respect." She replied to you, gaining a nod in response.

"Yeah that's fair enough. Wouldn't want to piss the queen of hell off." You stated, still feeling extremely anxious to the fact that you were going to meet her at the end of all this.

"The smell is getting stronger! We must be here!" Cerberus exclaimed with glee.

In front of you was what seemed to be a small house. The windows it had were covered up and the door had a 'KEEP OUT' sign nailed to it.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? This Malina doesn't seem to like company." You said.

"She'll just have to put up with us for a little while. After all, there is a pecking order down here. And I'm above her in that, so she must do as I wish." Monica replied as she looked up at you and then at your shoulder. "I want my nap."

You nodded. "O-of course....I trust you."

She nodded back at you as Cerberus approached the door. Each body reached out one of their arms and knocked on the door.

Meanwhile, you had walked up behind them with Monica, Modeus still stuck daydreaming as she stared at you.

A few moments passed and there was nothing. Cerberus began to knock on the door again, but it opened in front of them before they could knock too much.

On the other side of the door was a demon with a sour look on her face.

"What do you want?" She snarled as Cerberus jumped at her, tackling her to the ground

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"What do you want?" She snarled as Cerberus jumped at her, tackling her to the ground.

"It has been too long Malina!" They yelled in unison as they began to nuzzle and lick her, much to her disdain.

The rest of you stood and watched until Malina finally managed to get the three girls off of her so she could stand.

"Ugh....don't ever do that again!" She snapped at the three of them before turning to you. "And who's this? Another brain dead idiot? What do you want?" So far, she had failed to spot Pandemonica.

The Harem From Hell (Helltaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now