Chapter 28: Better Than Coffee (Pandemonica Smut)

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"You're looking pretty tired this morning mortal. Care to share why this might be?"

You were sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of you. Beelzebub had joined you with a rare appearance from her room. Appearances that only really occurred when there was food or she got bored.

"Hm? Oh just....had a really long day yesterday....used up a lot of my energy....." You spaced out thinking about the fun you had with Lucy.

It was still processing in your mind that you had sex with the Queen of hell and would probably take a while to sink in. But it still made you smile a little.

"Oh? Used up a lot of your energy, hm? And what's that little smile all about? Did something happen?" The fly enquired, resting her chin in her hands.

"N-No nothing happened...." You lied before yawning and taking a sip from your coffee.

"You know....I could hear you both.....I think you forgot that your room is right above mine~...." She snickered as you spat out the coffee you has drunk and quickly turned to face her.

The smirk on her face making you uncomfortable.

"I could see it in Lucy's eyes each time she's looked at you recently~....seems as if she finally ran out of patience, huh? What was she like?~" She giggled again.

"A-ahah...I-I though we were doing a good job at being quiet to be honest...." You rubbed the back of your neck and blushed harder.

"How can one be expected to silence such passion? But do did she feel?~" Her smirk grew wider.

"...u-unbelievable....a-absolutely unbelievable...." Your eyes trailed to the ground as she burst out into loud laughter.

"Oh need to be so embarrassed~....I'm sure Lucy would've loved to have heard that~...."

"I-I've told her anyway....many times as we were falling asleep...." You smile a little and sip your coffee.

At that moment, a tired looking Pandemonica trudged into the room. Her eyes settling on your almost immediately. " are drinking coffee? There better be some for me...." She yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Of course! There's a fresh pot on the side! It's all ready for you!" You grinned at her, receiving one in return as she made her way over to collect her morning cup of coffee.

"Working late again last night I guess?" Presenting the question to her as you stood up from your seat to wash your now empty cup.

"Well....yes I was. However, I could hardly finish what I was doing. Mainly because of the racket you and Lucy were making." She didn't turn around to face you as she spoke, and prioritised pouring her coffee.

"O-oh.....I thought we were really quiet. But now I won't be surprised if everyone heard us!" You covered your face with your hands.

"I wouldn't be surprised either. You have no idea how difficult it was to prevent Modeus from barging in there and joining you...." Monica sipped her coffee and exhaled deeply.

Her horns grew out and she turned around. The sadistic side of her was starting to come out.

"Shit....I guess she's going to be hounding me today about it then...." You could imagine the scene in your mind and were already dreading it.

"Hm. Maybe.....however I think now you have to apologise for disturbing my work I think...." Right away, you could sort of see where this was going and you gulped.

"I know you know what I mean~...." She kicked her lips and took a long sip from her coffee, before slamming the mug on the counter top.

"U-uhm....b-but I-." You couldn't finish your sentence as she grabbed your shoulders and pinned you against the wall.

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