Chapter 14: The Abyss

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It was dark. Extremely dark. In fact, sight was no longer a concept anymore. All that was there, was the swirling darkness.

All of a sudden, you were hit by a massive wave of nausea and then a feeling that was.....too great to describe. You had every illness known to man and yet....

You were still alive.

Death was no longer a concept here either. The sound of thousands of flies was all around you, before you were finally able to see something.

The massive bug, Beelzebub was right in front of you. So close in fact that if you were to extend your hand, you would be touching her.

"There you are....still alive but not doing so well, hm? Don't worry, it'll pass soon." She said to you as the feeling slowly subsided and you felt somewhat better again.

"Wh-what.....what d-did you do?" You said slowly looked up at her.

"Why, you are my bargaining chip! I am going to use you to get out of here!" Your eyes widened as she chuckled.

"But don't worry.....I'm not going to hurt you! If I hurt you, then there is no way Lucy would let me leave! I can see how much she adores you~." She teased.

You gulped and slowly tried to back away. However, you gave up after a few moments as you realised that it was pretty pointless.

There was nowhere for you to go anyway.

"Now since we might be here for a little while....I think we have a chance to get properly acquainted. Just like you hoped!" The fly slowly began to morph.

You blinked and a woman now stood before you. She had long white horns just like Lucifer.

 She had long white horns just like Lucifer

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And a smart looking outfit. Her blazer resembled that of a flys wings.

"There.....I think you'll find this form a lot more comfortable to converse with!" Her lips stretched into a smile as she crouched down in front of you and gently grabbed your chin.

"U-uhm....y-yeah probably will do....." You nervously spit your words out, causing her to chuckle.

"Come now my dear.....I've already told you that you shall remain undamaged! I realise it's very rude of me to keep you here in the middle of nothingness! Let us go and get comfortable in my castle!" She extended her hand out to you.

At first, you weren't sure whether you wanted to take it. But again very quickly you realised, there was no other options.

Grabbing her gloved hand with yours, she pulled you up onto your feet and led you through the dark.

It didn't take you long before you found yourself in a big room. Of course it was still dark, but there seemed to be some bits of furniture scattered around.

Not much though. Just a table and some chairs and a few empty storage cabinets.

" built all of this?" You asked Beelzebub.

The Harem From Hell (Helltaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now