Chapter 6: A Curious Angel

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"So how did someone like you end up here in hell?" Zdrada broke a long silence by asking you that question.

" brother maybe....opened a portal and I got sucked into it." You replied to her.

"Guess we owe him our gratitude! How else would we have met this cutie~!" She pinched you cheek before kissing it again.

"S-stop it Zdrada!" You pouted as she laughed loudly.

"Make forceful with me! I'm being a bad girl right~?" She licked her lips and leaned closer.

However, Malina came to your aid and shoved Zdrada off you. "Back off bitch! Stop being weird and making him uncomfortable!"

"Oh come on sis....I'm just having fun with the cutie~! Even you can't deny that he's cute~!" She nudged her with her elbow.

"S-so what if I do?! It doesn't matter! You just need to back off!" The two sisters stared each other down, and it looked like they were actually about to start fighting.

"O-okay calm down you two! I-I can see you both getting ready to fight, b-but please don't!" You said while slowly approaching them.

"You can't be soft with her Y/N! You have to shove her away and get her to back off!" Exclaimed Malina.

"Oh yes~....please do that Y/ rough with me~...." She moaned which made you blush even more.

"Ugh! You're disgusting! This is why I hate masochists so much!" Malina stamped her foot down which further amused Zdrada.

The two sisters continued to bicker as the rest of you watched.

"They aren't gonna relent any time soon are they?" You asked the group.

"Nope! Sometimes they can argue for hours!" Cerberus replied. One of her bodies hugged you from behind.

"It can sometimes get really bloody too!" A second Cerberus said as she walked in front of you and hugged you.

"I-I see...." You were confused as the third Cerberus hugged you from the side.

"You're so....warm...." They all said in unison as they buried their heads in your chest, back and arm respectively.

"Th-that might just be because I am feeling really hot...." You fanned yourself with your free hand. The heat of hell still proving to be difficult to handle.

"No's a nice makes us" Their tails were wagging like puppies.

You didn't say anything, but used your free hand to pet the head of the one in front of you. Once again, all three of them began to whine happily as they all felt the petting.


"H-Huh?! W-what was that?!" You reeled back in shock and stopped petting them. Much to their disappointment.

"You are our master! We choose you to be our master! We like you!" All three of them grinned before pouncing at you and hugging you tightly. One of them began to lick you as well.

This lasted a little while, before they finally let you go. Luckily, this coincided with the end of the bickering between the two sisters.

"Damn....I'm starting to regret coming along after all! Especially because this bitch is tagging along." She pointed at her sister who just smirked and lit another cigarette.

"And yet you're still here! Maybe there's something more you want from him as well~?" Zdrada kept on teasing her. Only this time, Malina didn't go for her again.

The Harem From Hell (Helltaker x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz