Chapter 41: The Creator

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"I think it's about time we wake him. She awaits." Micheal said as she slowly lowered herself and placed you on the ground.

She gently touched your forehead with the tips of her fingers before taking them away again. Not a moment later, your eyes began to flutter before slowly opening fully. You grumbled and rubbed the sleep out of them before you sat up and looked around.

" I?" You asked as you went from rubbing your eyes to your head.

"You are in heaven. One door away from meeting the creator herself. I shall give you a few moments to wake up fully, but it is best that we do not keep her waiting." Micheal said to you as you looked up at her.

"Y-yes of course...I'll only be a minute or two..." You said before sighing and blinking.

You turned back around and saw Lucifer and Judgement standing close by. The two of them happier now to see you awake again, but still very much on guard as they kept an eye on their surroundings.

"Hey Lucy...hey Judgement..." You said as you waved and yawned.

"Hello my dear..." Lucy responded before going quiet again, her mind still at war with itself. A part of her was still arguing to take a hold of you and immediately get you back down to hell, where she knew that she would be able to protect you properly.

But she knew that would be selfish of her to do. Once she realised what she had just thought, she sighed and shook her head while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Since when did I get so soft?" She thought as she looked at you again.

"You had to go and make me change into this didn't you..." She thought as a smile then spread across her face.

"Still...I won't complain. For you, all the changes have been worth it. In my whole existence no one has ever treated me the way you truly are very special." She thought.

By now, you were back on your feet again and ready for what was going to happen next. At least that was what you kept telling yourself. In reality, the huge unknown factor was eating away at you.

What was going to happen on the other side of those doors? Were you going to be punished for committing the sins you did? That was certainly something you never had even considered in your life before you ended up in hell.

How things can change so quickly...

"Open the doors." Micheal said suddenly which broke you out of your thoughts.

The angels either side of the doors stepped up and slowly opened them. A bright light shine through which blinded you temporarily as you tried to cover your eyes. Once the light had died down again, Micheal put a hand on your shoulder and gently pushed you through the doorway.

Not wanting to be left behind, Lucifer and Judgement were quick to follow behind you. The space you all walked into was extremely big and spacious and resembled a church hall of sorts.

And at the far end...was who you were here to see. She absolutely towered over everyone else as you got closer and sat on a huge throne, which really did symbolise how much power she held.

 She absolutely towered over everyone else as you got closer and sat on a huge throne, which really did symbolise how much power she held

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