Chapter 39: Concern Above

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That's right, after six months I'm coming back to the Helltaker story!

I am really sorry to those of you who like this story which seems to be a lot of you seeming as this is my best performing story!

Well, I'll make sure not to leave it on the sidelines anymore!

Hope you enjoy!

-Alan :D


"I brought you both some tea. Do you like tea? Do you even have tea in heaven?" You asked as you placed a tray on the table that had two cups of tea on it.

"We do yes." Micheal responded, seemingly past her flustered state from earlier as she gracefully took her cup of tea while Gabriel did the same.

"Ah yeah I assumed that you would've done." You said as you retook your seat at the table.

The two angels took a sip from their cups before placing them back down again.

"You do realise that we have to take what has gone on seriously." The archangel began.

"Engaging in such sinful activities with creatures of sin is a concerning matter. Especially for a mortal." She explained.

"Like I told you, I kinda made my mind up about it all. My life at the moment is....much better than it was before." You said.

"That might be so. But that doesn't take away the fact that she is very concerned about you." Micheal said as your eyes widened a little.

"Y-you mean...." You trailed off but Micheal nodded, knowing exactly who you meant.

"Yes. She would like to talk to you and try guide you back on the right path." She said.

"If she wanted to do that, then why hasn't she just taken me up to heaven to see her?" You asked.

"She....wanted us to come down here and give you a choice first. She is aware that if she just took you, then it would be more than likely that Lucifer would be at the gates demanding for your return." She said as you slowly nodded your head.

"Ahhh....yeah that's a fair point because that would happen." You said with a nervous chuckle as you rubbed the back of your neck.

"You need to go Y/N." Micheal said as you sighed and laid your chin on the table.

"Y-yeah....I know." You said.

"I didn't want any of this to happen. This is all more than I ever expected to happen in my life. Before all this, I never believed in heaven and hell. My life was so simple. Now, I have demons living in my house and angels coming down to take me to heaven!" You said, clearly exasperated as everything hit home all at once.

"....I'll tell Lucy that I need to go. I suppose when God herself requests your presence, you need to go." You said as Micheal nodded her head.

"Indeed. I am glad we could come to some sort of agreement." She said.

"Would you like us to come with you when you inform Lucifer? Just as protection." She suggested as you shook your head.

"Listen I know you have good intentions, but there is no way that I'm letting heaven and hell go to war in the street. Because you know that would happen." You said.

"You....have a fair point." Micheal said.

"I'm glad you agree. Even so, Lucy is still probably going to be extremely angry when she finds out that you've been here." You said.

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