The Tour of Pembroke Territory, Part Two

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The Tour of Pembroke Territory Part Two

The next day after breakfast, Lady Karissa and the Howard entourage head for Pembroke Territory led by Lord David William Beck Senior to the border of Essex and Pembroke Territory.

Pembroke Territory was named for the birthplace of King Henry VII of England who became King of England in 1485 until 1509.

Like the rest of the world was destroyed by The ECON in 2153 but Lord Patrick William Howard reconstructed Pembroke Castle with his own hands.

Lord Patrick William Howard wasn't a hateful man and even though Henry Tudor killed his ancestors, Lord John Howard and Lord Walter Devereux on the Battle of Bosworth field in 1483. He was a loyal British citizen.

He brought with him many portraits of the Kings and Queens that ruled England throughout the centuries.

Once Pembroke Castle was erected he placed a picture of King Henry VII along with his mother,Lady Margaret Beaufort, Lord John Beaufort, and Prince John of Gaunt, and King Edward III who was the father of five sons that all started the War of Roses.

King Edward III had Edward, The Black Prince, Prince Lionel, Prince John of Gaunt, Prince Edmund, and Prince Thomas and he also had several daughters, but it wasn't his daughters that began the War of Roses in 1455 and it finally ended in 1485.

A war that lasted 30 years along with the Hundred Year War between England and France because Edward was also an heir to the throne of France through his mother, Queen Isabella of France.

Pembroke Territory was given to Lord Patrick William Howard's daughter, Lady Elizabeth Ann Howard in 2190 and she governed it from 2190 until 2250 and when she died she didn't leave an heir or heiress as she never married.

Pembroke Territory fell into abyss in 2250 and it remained so until 2274 when Lord Charles Andrew Howard bestowed it to Lady Karissa and it would pass onto her issue of her body, but she had decided that only female issue of her body would inherit the Dukedom of Pembroke Territory and her heiress was Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane until in 2329, she changed her Last Will and Testament and left Pembroke Territory to her granddaughter, Lady Isabella Karissa Howard, only daughter of her eldest son, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard,Duke of Lancaster Territory.

Lord David William bid Lady Karissa and her entourage a fond farewell and the Howard carriage entered the city limits of Pembroke as the carriage headed for Pembroke Castle.

The townspeople started to line the streets of Pembroke Territory, despite the orders of Lord Andrew Charles. Lady Karissa orders the carriage to stop so she can meet and greet her people.

Lord Richard William Carey steps out of the carriage and offers his hand to Lady Karissa and with Lord Thomas William carrying Lady Samhain,and Lord Frederick William Howard III carrying Lady Elizabeth in his arms.

Lady Karissa with Lord Richard William Carey walk around to meet and greet the townspeople of Pembroke Territory.

All of sudden, the musicians appear out of nowhere and to welcome Lady Karissa and her entourage they start to play some medieval music and Lady Karissa smiles and she walks out to the streets of Pembroke Territory and she starts to dance with her people.

Lord Richard William walks out and he joins in with the dancing and from the distance Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and his friend, Lt. Richard Williams drives up and they park Richard's car and they walk over and join in the dancing at Pembroke Territory.

Lady Karissa smiles, " I am very happy to see you Kevin." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I brought my best friend, Richard Williams with me." Kevin tells Lady Karissa.

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