Part Two: The Noble House of Stuart on Star Base 12

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The Noble House of Stuart on Star Base 12

It is time to take a journey back to the highlands of Lennox Territory with the arrival of Lord James Alexander Stuart who arrives on Star Base 12 with Lord Patrick William Howard, Lord Richard Devereux and Lord John Carey.

It is the Pagan Year of 2159, Planet Earth is still trying to recover from the devastating effects of World War Three that occurred in 2125 and didn't end until October of 2153.

It takes Lord Patrick William Howard and the rest of gentlemen to build their homes on Star Base 12 and once they are built they claim their territories on Star Base 12 in accordance with an agreement with the United Federation of Planets.

Lord James Alexander Stuart, and his wife, Lady Anabella Drummond claim the south-eastern territory of Star Base 12 and Lord James Alexander Stuart names it after his beloved Lennox of Scotland that was destroyed in the fateful May 1, 2153 attack by the ECON on Planet Earth.

No major city in the world was left standing and sixty million innocent people died instantly.

Lord James Alexander Stuart is a young man of 35 years old and his wife, Lady Anabella is 30 years old when they start their family in 2166 with the birth of their son, Lord Robert Alexander Stuart and a daughter, Lady Elizabeth Ann Stuart in 2172.

Lord James Alexander Stuart is a direct descendant of King Charles II of England and his son, Lord Charles Lennox, Duke of Lennox and he is also a direct descendant of King Robert Bruce through his daughter, Princess Marjorie Bruce who married Walter Stewart, 6th High Steward of Scotland and their son, King Robert II of Scotland who was the first Stuart King of Scotland.

Lord James Alexander Howard is a humble man who becomes a Celtic Pagan and his wife, Lady Anabella Drummond was Christian-Orothodox Presbyterian when they married in 2150.

They had no idea, but Lord James was a very educated man and graduated from the University of Scotland in Glasgow and he had read about the onset of World War III.

Lord James had studied Political Science and Agriculture and graduated in 2148 with top honor an and in 2150 he married Lady Anabella Drummond and they were planning to start their family when Lord Patrick Willliam Howard and Lord Richard Devereux asked them to join them on board the USS Excalibur on April 30, 2153.

Lord Patrick William Howard tells Lord James Alexander Stuart that he receives a vision to gather all some of the most distinguished aristocratic families living in England of French, Irish, Scottish, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Danish, Norwegian,and English families and board the USS Excalibur on April 30, 2153 and they had two days to pack up everything they can carry with them in their suitcases and everyone will board together at Heathrow International Airport.

Lord James Alexander and Lady Anabella pack up their clothes in two large suitcases, and in one suitcase is their silverware, china, and one suitcase is their treasured pictures and Lord James Alexander packs up his tools of his trade in a suitcase and they head for Heathrow International Airport where Lord Patrick William Howard and Lord Richard Devereux and Lord John Carey with all the other families are waiting.

They board the USS Excalibur on April 30, 2153 and the next day Captain Jonathan Archer gives the news that the ECON launched the first nuclear weapon at 11:35 PM EST while everyone slept and the following cities were destroyed :The detonation of nuclear weapons over cities (in the multiple-megaton range) such as Washington, D.C., London, Moscow, Berlin, New York City, Boston, Dallas, Mexico City, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Mecca, Riyadh, Samarkand, Karachi, Singapore, and New Delhi killed nearly half a billion people instantly. Smaller detonations occurred over Hong Kong, Beijing, and Ho Chi Minh City. Un-detonated or failed nuclear devices were discovered in or around targets such as Denver, Madrid, Rome, and Istanbul. Of the hundreds of ICBMs and bombers launched by the United States and allied forces, only one in five made it into the air, due to EMP weapons and viral attacks against the military computer networks — of these, only a fraction detonated properly."

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