Young Love

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They first met during the double wedding of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard and Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard's in June of 2294.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was not yet 14 years old and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart was not yet 12 year old when they first met on June 21, 2294 while both attended the wedding of Lord Anthony's sisters who were Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart's second cousins on the maternal side.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard never forgot Lady Alexandrina Charlene Stuart and she was forever a presence in his heart, thoughts, and mind.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard was Duke of Lancaster Territory since his birth and he lived out in his own estate at Lancaster Manor with two maids, a butler, a cook, and of course with his regent overseeing matters of state until he turned 18 years.

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard is the firstborn son of Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard nee Lowell, Duke and Duchess of Norfolk Territory.

He is the third child and was born on June 21, 2280, Lady Karissa had just turned 30 years old and Lord Andrew Charles wasn't quite 35 years old when Lord Anthony Christopher was born.

Lord Anthony Christopher was home-schooled until he reached the age of 13 year old, and then he attended day classes at the same Parochial School his father attended, but he did not border there.

He returned back to Lancaster Manor after his classes were through and he had a tutor as well to help with his studies and what the high price parochial school didn't teach him, the tutor was expected to teach him all the manly social graces of well educated aristocrats.

The tutor taught him how dance, sing, play musical instruments, love reading, literature, and art, whereas the Parochial school taught him the academics that he needed to learn such as Math, English, Reading, Social Sciences, History, Science, Chemistry, Geography, Politics, and World Religions along with economics and finance.

The one thing Lady Karissa won't allow either was to teach her children about sex as she thought the best place for chidlren to learn about sex was through their parents.

Lady Karissa thought sex education was much to desired and she had a tutor teach Lord Anthony about biology, sex education, and reproduction and Lord Andrew Charles taught his son about how to conduct himself properly around the ladies.

"Lord Anthony when a lady enters the room. You must stand and bow to them and wait for them to acknowledge it with a curtsy." Lord Andrew Charles tells his son.

"Don't kiss them or touch them as if you do, you will anger their fathers." Lord Andrew Charles states.

"Always open up a door for a lady to walk through , pull out her chair, and push it in . Keep your conversation clean." Lord Andrew Charles tells his son "Ask only broad questions. Don't ask personal questions and only ask general questions pertaining to their interests." Lord Andrew Charles tells him.

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