drunken sex

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Author's pov~

Jungkook opened his eyes to be met with bright sunlight, he realised he had passed out on the couch after drinking, he removed the blanket that covered him, he didn't remember covering himself up, and then it clicked! it was Seokjin.

he was deep in his thoughts when he smelt something delicious. he walked to the kitchen and saw something he didn't expect, Seokjin cooking.

he cleared his throat, gaining the other 's attention. Seokjin turned around to see his husband standing there with his hands burried deep inside his pocket.

"good morning!" Jin tried to start a conversation, but Jungkook didn't seem to like it.

"Jungkook-ssi, would you please tell me how you like your coffee? I made breakfast already so would you like to eat right away-" Jungkook gritted his teeth, cutting him off, "didn't I tell you not to touch a thing in this house?"

"but you need to eat breakfast-"

"shut it! stop with your act of being an innocent person! you're no more than a slut who wants to get into my pants!" Jin's eyes widened.

"b-but there is no maid here, i-i have to eat as well-"


"y-yes" Jin said meekly

when Jungkook left the kitchen, Jin placed his hand on his chest trying to calm his racing heart down. he was always scared of loud noises or shouting to be precise. he loved his peace, he decided to keep the food and eat it for lunch, rather than wasting it.

as for Jungkook, he did feel his mouth water at the delicious aroma of the food cooked by Seokjin but damn his ego. he took a shower, and got ready for the day. he had a packed day ahead and later he would be meeting a friend at the bar.

he decided to get some food before the schedules.


Jin however was made to leave his job at the cafe, since it would only bring Jungkook trouble. the whole day he stayed at the house, doing nothing. he ate his lunch and dinner on time. did some exercises to pass some time and was on his phone for most of the time. it was some minutes past 2 o clock in the morning and Jin was sitting on the couch, almost dozing off, waiting for his husband to be back.

he soon heard the front door click open, there was his husband, he was drunk. Jin could make out from his walk, he was almost falling down. his hair was messed up, his tie was undone, his shirt which would generally be neatly tucked in his jeans was out and he had his blazer in his hand.

Jin didn't know how to react, he just looked straight at him. Jungkook, due to the intense intoxication, tripped and fell face first on the ground. Jin knew he wasn't supposed to touch the other but he couldn't just let him lay there on the ground.

Jin walked over to the other and tried pulling him up but he was a little heavy for him. but he did succeed, and let Jungkook hold onto his shoulders for some support.

a blush coated Jin's cheeks when he felt Jungkook pulling him closer, but he decided to not focus on the close proximity rather on taking him to his room.

Jin made the other lie down on his bed, but he didn't open his shoes or anything, so that Jungkook wouldn't be suspicious of him. he walked out of the room and slept on the couch that night.


earlier, Jungkook had met up with his friend Min Yoongi. they were catching up with each other over a few drinks, when Jungkook told him how he was forced to marry a 'slut' and now he wouldn't be able to live his life. and by 'living his life' Jungkook meant having drunken sex with random people and never having to settle for any of them.

Yoongi sighed and adviced the younger that he might as well try having a relationship with his now husband but Jungkook was adamant. he had nothing to do with the other.

it was then, when an evil idea popped up in his head, he might as well hook up with people and he will make sure to do it in front of Seokjin, which would lead him to leave Jungkook. he smirked at the idea and downed another shot, making the older of the two worry.


hey guys, here's another chapter.

love,  namjooni_e

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