Jeon Seokjin

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Author's pov~

Jin was pushed off the bed once Jungkook was done with him. Jin collected his clothes and walked out of the room. his legs were shaking as he limped his way out of the room.

Jungkook's words rang in his ears, 'choose a room and stay there until anyone comes to visit'.

he was still half naked. he had his boxers on, he carried the rest of his clothes in both his hands.

his eyes travelled across the whole mansion and held no emotion whatsoever. he walked to the farthestmost room from Jungkook's to keep the distance.

he looked at his reflection in the mirror, dark hickies painted all across his neck and chest. he lazily traced his skin with his right index finger.

silent tears left his eyes, which soon turned into sobs, he cupped his mouth muffling them. he never knew what Jungkook might do if he heard him sobbing.

his legs were all sticky and he wasn't liking it. he walked to the washroom, and stepped into the shower, before undressing.

he wouldn't dare to step into Jungkook's room right now, he would later go and bring his stuff when he'll be out for work in the morning, after taking his permission ofcourse.

he couldn't relax even under the warm water thinking of what happened to him just a few minutes ago. he never gave him his consent to touch him like that.

Jin covered himself under the shower as tears left his eyes for the nth time that day.

he stepped out of the shower and dried himself. now the question was, what would he wear.

after much contemplation, he put on the same sweat pants without the boxers and no shirt.

he finally felt the comfort of the bed after a long time. but sadly enough he couldn't manage to sleep. the bed was extremely comfortable but whenever he closed his eyes he could see Jungkook hovering over him.

he covered himself up and murmured incoherent words, it wasn't until late in the morning when he passed out.

but luck wasn't on his side, he barely got an hour worth of sleep. he checked the time, it was 9.12 am.

he got up and decided to make himself a cup of coffee, Mrs. Kang, their housekeeper would join back from the next day, so Jin had to work for just another day.


he was brewing some coffee while humming a tune when he heard a deep voice, making him visibly flinch.

"look what a view we have here!" he could practically visualize Jungkook smirking, who already was walking towards the said male.

Jungkook turned Jin by his arm and caged him between him and the kitchen island, he had a nasty smirk plastered on his lips, which Jin so wanted to slap off.

"won't you wish me a good morning, love?" Jungkook pouted

Jin was already shaking a little, he knew, one wrong move and he was screwed, like literally.

"g-good mo-morning Jung-kook" he managed to utter.

"is my baby trying to seduce me early in the morning-"

"JUNGKOOK!!" a voice called

"COMING" he yelled right in front of Jin's face, "put on some clothes before coming out" and winked before he left.


Jin put on a t shirt and changed into some fresh sweats before going down.

he was met with three absolutely dashing looking men sitting with Jungkook.

their attention fell upon him as he stood there.

Jungkook got up from his seat, and walked up-to him,sliding his hands across his waist.

"gentlemen, he is Jeon Seokjin, my husband." he said and turned to Jin.

"He is Kim Namjoon, he is Min Yoongi and he is Jung Hoseok, they're my brothers." Jungkook explained. they lifted their hands as their name was called to make it easy for Jin.

"it's nice to meet you all, I'm Ki-Jeon Seokjin" he smiled tightly, "I'll leave you to it now, do you want anything? coffee? tea? did you have breakfast?"

Jungkook eyed the boy who was offering the others breakfast, he wondered why he never asked him.

"J-Jungkook, would you like some breakfast?"



sorry for a late update guys, I was in jail for licking my phone after Jin posted that FUCKING NAKED PICTURE. anyways.

love, namjooni_e.

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