no tears left to cry

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Author's pov~

once Jin entered the apartment, he dropped his bag. today was a terrible day. he hadn't seen Jungkook in two years, and that reconnection brought back many memories he had buried deep inside. he was able to experience all of those feelings and touches once more. he had been missing jungkook. every day for the past two years, he had missed him. his dreams from all those nights when he cried himself to sleep were resurfacing. he was only able to take four steps before collapsing to the ground. and he cried ceaselessly till he had no tears left to cry. he simply lay there for a few more minutes like a living corpse before he fell asleep.

The loud ringing of the bell awoke Jin. He stood from the ground, rubbing his still-dazed eyes. Expecting a visitor at 4 am in the morning was unexpected because he had not established any relationships with anyone during the previous two years that he had lived in London. He approached the door and opened it without looking through the eye hole to see who was there. He was greatly irritated by the bell-ringer's perpetual motion. He opened the door, and as soon as he did, someone pulled him inside, closing the door behind him.

"jin. thank god i found you." it was Hoseok

"im sorry you cant intrude-" jin tried protesting but he was soon cut off by the other.

"jin, you have to come back. jungkook isn't okay!! he has gone crazy for you. you-"

"i saw him just today, he seemed fine to me."

"did you not look into his eyes? he has been looking for you for the past two years. no one knows what's going on inside his head. you need to come back Seokjin. for him. please."

"no no no no no i can't. i won't."

"you love him Seokjin, why not go back? if you don't come back we might not be able to save him."

"he'll be fine Hoseok. leave. now."

"Jin, please. come back. he needs you."

"will you please leave, or i might need-"

"maybe you never loved him enough. maybe you never loved him-"

"shut up Hoseok and leave. just leave."

"if you lose him, do not come crying."

Hoseok left. Jin was unsure regarding what to do. He is given a lot of information by hoseok, who appears out of nowhere, but he is unable to comprehend it for himself. He was unable to look into Jungkook's eyes earlier that day because he was afraid he would break down. It was difficult for Jin to keep his eyes off of Jungkook throughout the entire appointment. What was Hoseok trying to convey when he stated all that? Should he go after him?

Jin made the decision to follow Hoseok. he was experiencing all of these emotions, he felt like crying. He couldn't let jungkook suffer because he loved him too much. When he opened the door, Hoseok was there to greet him.

"I was waiting for you to change your mind. Let's leave."

for his pleasure // jinkookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora