what I want

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Author's pov~

that's when he smashed his lips on Jin's.

Jin tried pushing him away but it was of no use. Jungkook still had the tight grip on his arm. Jin tried to free himself but instead recieved a slap in return.

Jungkook still had that tight grip on the other's arm, pulling him closer, closing any gap that would be there.

Jin felt pain shooting up from his arm, he whimpered, as hot tears made their way down his face. he felt the other kissing him but he didn't move his lips for a second.

Jungkook tightened his grip, when he stopped kissing the other, "fucking kiss me back" he growled against Jin's lips, who had no other option but to kiss him back.

Jin felt Jungkook loosen his grip a little, and kiss him harder. tears mixed with saliva. Jungkook bit Jin's bottom lip harshly, making the other wince in pain.

they parted to gain their breaths, a string of saliva joining their lips. Jungkook looked at the others who was avoiding his own gaze and smirked.

he knew Jin would hate him after that day.

he bent down and put Jin over his shoulders, carrying him like he weighed nothing, and took confident strides towards his bedroom. Jin continued complaining and hitting his back but it didn't affect him at all but did piss him off.

Jungkook had one of his hands on Jin's butt, to prevent him from falling.

when he reached his room, he closed the door with his foot causing a loud bang. Jin flinched and had his eyes squeezed shut.

Jungkook removed Jin from his shoulder and threw him on the bed, making Jin's body bounce from the harsh impact.

fear was evident in Jin's eyes, he tried moving back, his back touched the headboard eventually. Jungkook was standing there with folded arms, looking at Jin as if he was some prey.

Jungkook caressed his tatted arm before approaching Jin like a predator. Jin knew he had nowhere to go.

"Jungkook-ssi, i-i take back my words, you can do whatever you want, please-"

"I'm doing what I want baby" Jin shivered, fear engulfing him totally.

"this is what you wanted right?" Jungkook's look was dark and intimidating.

"n-no no-"

"stay put if you don't want to get hurt." saying that Jungkook advanced even closer to the said male.

Jin squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for a hit or something worse, but he realised Jungkook had torn off his shirt.

"J-Jungkook-ssi please, l-let me go-"

"shhhh!" Jungkook looked at the other, his look darkening.

Jin tried covering himself, but his hands were held by the other on either side of his head.

"don't hide, stay how you are right now, one move and you don't know what's coming for you."

Jungkook moved away for a second, still in front of the man lying on the bed. he undid his own buttons and removed the shirt. he next moved on to Jin's sweats and boxers. he tugged his index and middle fingers on the hem of the soft material and pulled both the garments down at one go.

for his pleasure // jinkookWhere stories live. Discover now