I'll do it

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Author's pov~

Jin was back exactly after two hours that day. he had made Jungkook eat his food and had changed the dressing after.

it took Jungkook exactly two weeks to heal. Jin was there to feed him, make him take his medicines and change his dressing.

Jin received a lot of threats. it did hurt him in the beginning but by the end he was so used to them, he just did his job and left, without uttering a single word.

"I'll kill you with my own hands, if you come any closer"

"do you want me to kill you? why are you touching me?"

"if you don't want to die, leave this instant."

"let me heal and I'll show you who you're disobeying"

were some of the words Jungkook had threatened Jin with.

"you need to heal to kill me. im helping you, you should be thankful." Jin casually said after Jungkook had said the last sentence one day.

Jungkook was shook to be honest. he knew Jin was scared of him but he didn't know why Jin wasn't listening to him this time.

the only thing Jungkook would look up to in those uneventful days were the meal times.

he wouldn't lie, Jin was a really good cook. he would make a simple stew and it'd taste amazing. although he never complimented the other, he just enjoyed the taste of the food.

he would see Jin taking care of him, inspite of all the death threats, and he'd feel a little guilt of forcing himself onto him in the past.

but whenever Jin would come inside his room, with his food or with the aid kit, he'd shamelessly check him out. he had to accept that Jin was irresistible.

he never loved anyone after he got cheated that one time. he then decided on something. he'd break it to Jin once he was fully healed.

Jungkook did feel a connection with the other, after Jin had taken care of him so selflessly, but that suspicion never went away totally.


Jungkook's wound was now totally healed, and he would go back to his normal schedules from the day itself.

he was wearing his watch when he remembered how Jin would feed him the food and how he'd change him out of his clothes even after listening to all the harsh words said by him. 

how he would change his dressing very carefully. how his lips would form a little pout whenever he focussed on things. how carefully he'd listen to the doctor, whenever he'd say something about Jungkook's health. a smile took over his lips, at the mere thought of his husband.

he realised what he was doing and shook his head trying to focus on anything but his thoughts. he didn't want to smile for anyone else ever.

he had something he wanted to let his husband know. he went downstairs to see an empty living room and kitchen.

he huffed, looking around. he couldn't see the other anywhere. he checked the time and noticed he was getting late. he left the house, making sure to talk to the other after he was back.

it was a hectic day for Jungkook, he had missed out on a lot of work the last two weeks, which he had to complete as soon as possible.

on the other hand, Jin was scared. yes, he was hiding before, when Jungkook had left for work. he was scared that Jungkook would actually kill him. he had a whole breakdown earlier in the evening. he knew he couldn't hide forever, so he decided to face Jungkook today, even if he decides to kill him, he'll have to accept his fate.

truth to be told, Jin had feelings for the other. being close with him the last two weeks didn't help either. yes, a lot of harsh words were thrown at him. he recieved a lot of death threats but he liked being close to his husband.

he knew that Jungkook wouldn't ever return his feelings, and honestly he hated himself to fall for the person who had technically raped him. he thought, stuff like this actually happened in books. but being close to Jungkook proved him wrong.

he saw his little pout whenever he slept, he saw his dimples when he chewed on his food, he saw how Jungkook gripped on the glass with both his hands while drinking his warm milk, no, banana milk. he saw his doe eyes, when he felt any pain.

Jin was the first person to see this side of the immensely feared mafia. he couldn't help but adore that side of him.

he sighed before splashing his face with some cold water before hearing a loud bang, as if someone closed the door with all of their force.

he knew Jungkook was back, and his blood went cold.


Jungkook was very angry. he had fired three men on the first day after two weeks of being ingured and resting.

he loosened his tie, when he noticed a figure coming down the stairs. he didn't know why or how his anger went from 100 to a solid 0 within a second.

it was Jin.

"w-welcome back J-Jungkook-ssi" said Jin.

Jungkook smirked, remembering about the conversation he wanted to have with the other.

"not so brave now, are we?" he smirked.


"oh! i guess we have a pending job, don't we, Seokjin?" the smirk never leaving his lips.

"I-I am sorry.." Jin apologized.

Jungkook took proud steps towards the slightly shorter male.

"hmm, apologies, what if i don't want them?"

"I'll do anything, please don't kill me" Jin joined his hands, going down on his knees.

Jungkook chuckled.

"i do want something.. i don't know if you'll be able to give me that-"

"I CAN-"

"lower your voice." Jungkook heard a soft 'sorry'

"i want you to do the bare minimum for me. it's simple actually. you'll just have to keep being my husband and do things that partners do for each other, only in this case, it will be just you, you shouldn't expect anything back from me."

Jin looked up, tears pooling his eyes.

"you'll cook me meals, and please me in bed without any interference in my life." Jungkook said.

"wh-what-" Jin was speechless.

"you heard me."

Jin, looked at Jungkook, actually considering this. he was sure, he'll never receive love, the least he can do was please him.

"I'll do it Jungkook-ssi."

"my room, in 30 minutes. don't be late."


Jungkook just walked past the kneeling man, leaving him with his thoughts.


hey, im finally back with another chapter.

next chapter contains smut ;)

wait for it lovelies ^_^

love, namjooni_e.

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