wish you loved me back.

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Author's pov~

Jungkook and Seokjin's lives went back to something that was not like their usual. Jungkook would leave even before Jin could wake up and would work the entire day without breaks and come home only after he was sure of Jin being fast asleep.

when Jungkook had seen his husband's abused wrist, he knew he was part of the reason if not entirely. he remembered when he saw blood stains in his white shirt near his shoulder.

he wasn't dumb, he joined the dots and he knew it was the blood from his wrist. the worst part is he remembers making out with Jin from that night.

Jungkook was tired and he needed a release. so he drank.

he drank to the point he couldn't stand on his two feet. Namjoon had to bring him back home that night.

he rang the bell, twice, thrice when the door opened showing Jin. if Namjoon had to be honest, he looked like shit but right now he couldn't bear Jungkook's weight anymore.

Jin moved out of the way and Namjoon took him to his room leaving him standing there not knowing what to do.


it wasn't until late at night when Jin heard his door open with a loud bang. he was cowering with fear. he didn't know what to do.

he was about to shout when he felt the weight of a body on himself.

Jin looked into his eyes, who flashed a drunk smile.


"I hate you. I hate you s~so much you know? i wouldn't be l~like this if it weren't for you. go away. get the fuck away from me." he slurred

Jin felt Jungkook grab onto his wrists not letting him go quite opposite of what he had asked him to do.

"do you really want me gone? Jungkook?" Jin questioned lookinh directly into the drunken eyes.

Jungkook nodded, his words being interrupted by a series of hiccups.

"why? why did you come to me that day? you had-"

he felt Jungkook's head fall into the crook of his neck, meaning he had passed out.

Jin let out a humorless chuckle. Jungkook was playing his feelings again.

"i wish you loved me back Jungkook."

a tear left Jin's eyes as he embraced the man with both his arms. a hand running through his hair while he inhaled the scent of the cologne for maybe the last time.

Jungkook would most definitely follow the same routine he made for them that is 'not seeing each other at all' until the day they got their divorce and Jin wasn't ready to let go so soon.


when Jin went out to receive the mail a few days later, he found a brown envelope, his heart skipped a few beats if he had to be honest.

he hurried inside to check the contents silently praying it wasn't what he thought it was.

but he was proved wrong once he finally took out the paper from inside the envelope.

'DIVORCE AGREEMENT' it read in bold.

Jin knew there was no point in delaying the process.

he read the agreement and signed the papers where ever it required his signature and he had done his part. now it was upto Jungkook.

he went over and placed the signed documents on Jungkook's bed.

"i should probably start packing."

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