here, take my hand.

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Author's pov~

"so you're telling me, he had cut himself accidentally and YOU treated the wound for him, and YOU also finished cooking rest of the dinner-" the oldest in the room questioned, eyes widening.

"you sure, you don't like this very man? or did we miss something?" it was his best friend now, wiggling his eyebrows.

Jungkook was at the bar with his hyungs, he said he'd meet them since he was free. their conversation took an abrupt turn when Jimin asked how his husband was doing, he spilled everything apart from the part where he had hugged the other and complimented him on how warm his embrace was.

"no-no, it's nothing like that. i just helped him when he was hurt." Jungkook sighed trying to make his point. 

"Jungkook, you're not making any sense right now. you never care for people you don't like, we definitely missed something." Namjoon made his point, sipping his beer, smirking.

"can we not talk about this, please?" he said bringing the glass of whiskey to his lips, sipping the last of it. he looked ahead of him, noticing a familiar figure dancing to the beat of the music.

he didn't know if it was his tipsy mind playing games on him or him seeing the correct thing.

he set his empty glass of whiskey down on the table, walking towards the dance floor, to the particular person who had caught his vision.


Jin was lying on his bed. on checking the time he sighed, trying his best to fall asleep. his physical health wasn't really in a good condition, neither was his mental health but that's a conversation for another time.

after skipping all his meals for the past four and a half days, he finally ate dinner with Jungkook. he wouldn't but he had no choice anyway. halfway through his dinner, he lost his appetite yet he had pushed himself further and further until the nausea hit him in full force.

he ran to the closest washroom, hurling up all of the food he had eaten right before but most of it was stomach acid. his throat and stomach burned as he threw up. 

what he didn't expect was for Jungkook to rub his back soothingly while he hurled his guts into the toilet bowl. 

he threw up almost thrice the amount of the food that he had eaten and most of it was his stomach acid.

"i'm here, there there, go on." Jungkook rubbed his back with one hand and pushing back Jin's bangs and wiping off the sweat formed with the other.

Jin turned around and sat leaning against the tiled wall, exhausted.

"are you okay?" Jungkook wouldn't accept it, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes.

"i'm good-" Jin fell into a fit of coughs even before completing his sentence

"right, you're really good. come on up, can you? here take my hand." he said, offering his own hand.

now, he was lying down, waiting for sleep to engulf him, although he was worried. Jungkook wasn't home, and he felt really uneasy.

Jin felt his eyes well up, he heard the monsters in his head shouting at him.

he sighed before getting up, he pulled out the tiny opaque box which contained his sharp and shiny friends from his bed side table drawer, smiling softly.


Jungkook woke up in a bed he didn't really recognize. he squinted his eyes due to the bright sunlight, he tried looking around, the room awfully familiar.

"aah-" he clutched onto his head groaning, a terrible headache approaching him.

he realised he was stripped off his clothes, under the sheets that covered him. he rubbed his eyes, frustrated and trying to remember the night before, he knew he was with his hyungs, but everything after that was a blur.

"oh good, you're awake. good morning baby." Jungkook heard an oddly familiar voice, cringing at the pet name, he turned around before his eyes widened in realization, "Wooyoung?"


i know y'all didn't expect this uwu 

also, guess the character of Woo in this fic :3

love, namjooni_e.

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