Chapter 8: Strictly Business

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Ayaka: "Hmmm... So, Guuji Yae said that she sensed something strange emanating from your shop, and that it was severe enough that it warranted her visit to try and meet... wait. How did she know it was somebody else in here and not just you?"

Sayu: "Hmm... I think it was the kitsune, they were... *yawn* very loud when we were trying to sneak back in here."

Ayaka: "I see... And, when she said it was severe... did she mention how severe it would be exactly? That is to say, will it be of a moderate amount of pain to Y/N going forward?"

FLASHBACK: "Indeed, I believe they are very likely to perish if left untreated. But, I truly must be off now, I hope to hear from them soon. Ta-ta Yoimiya, and my little Sayu."

Yoimiya: "... She said that it might be... well... fatal..."

Ayaka: "f–FATAL?! She said that it could be...? d–Did she mention at all anything about how to cure it? There has to be a way to fix it, right?"

Yoimiya: "Well... She did say that she'd be willing to exorcise whatever it is. But that would mean that Y/N would have to meet her, and after Lady Guuji left they said that they were worried that this might ruin your plans here."

Ayaka: "Hence why Sayu went and retrieved me... *sigh* Where is brother when you need him... Where are they by the way? Y/N, I mean."

Yoimiya: "Oh. They said they were just going to get some quiet time in their room. To try and mull it all over, and to think back over what happened in their past to see if we could get any hints from that. So that we could cure it without Lady Guuji's involvement."

Ayaka: "I... I see... Do you think it would be okay for me to go and speak with them?"

Yoimiya: "Well, they didn't say they didn't want visitors. So I guess you can. It's that room over there, just be sure to knock first!"

Ayaka: "I will. Thank you."

I then watched as Ayaka got up and made her way over to the door I pointed at. I wanted to follow her, but... I couldn't help but feel like I would be unwanted in such a scenario! Ayaka sure grew fond of Y/N quickly, didn't she! And Sayu told me about that sleepover that the two of them shared last night... 

Lady Kamisato isn't really known to be so... open, at least not with the people of Inazuma. I wonder if it was because of Y/N's rude and uncaring first impression that they left? Y/N didn't seem to care about the Kamisato Clan, nor the Commission that they lead. Maybe that made Ayaka feel like she could be less formal around them...? That, or maybe she has also grown just as fond of being in Y/N's company as I have!

* knock knock *

Ayaka: "...Y/N? It's Ayaka. Would it be okay if I spoke to you for a moment?"

. . .

Ayaka: "... Y/N? Can I come in?"

* knock knock *

Ayaka: "Y/N? Are you awake...?"

Yoimiya: "Having trouble over there, Lady Kamisato?"

Ayaka: "I think they might be asleep..."

Yoimiya: "Really? But they've only just woken up from a nap recently, and they got some sleep last night too... right?"

Ayaka: "I, well... *ahem* Yes, Yes they did."

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