Chapter 21: War

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Y/N: "I'm sorry... did you just say that you know someone who might just know something about my past?!"

Kokomi: "That is correct. Whilst I was on Watatsumi Island I continued to receive reports from General Gorou regarding the situation out here on the front lines. And in some of these reports did he mention you as a new recruit whom quickly climbed up the ranks. As it happens, I was reading out one of these reports out loud one evening and the nearby Shrine Maiden seemed to recognise your name. I was unable to pursue further before she then went off to go and read further into something, but I am quite sure that you may very well find a new lead from her."

Y/N: "That, or she's just heard my name from a connection she might have with Liyue."

Gorou: "I don't think that would be too likely. News from the outside world has been far and few between, the only things that we've managed to gleam from the world beyond Inazuma is from what those pirates aboard the Alcor and her fleet would tell us. And they haven't visited us in quite some time now, long before your arrival to Inazuma."

Y/N: "Huh... Okay then, and you say that this Shrine Maiden is on what island again?"

Kokomi: "Watatsumi Island. The same island that the Watatsumi Army calls home, away from the front lines. I would be quite interested in introducing you, once we have the opportunity. But for now? I believe we should discuss that which General Gorou had one of your troops summon you for..."

Gorou: "Ah right, of course! *ahem!* There are a couple of things that we would wish to discuss with you today. Firstly, whilst I assume all went well because you have returned unscathed and a smile on your face, I would be keen to hear a debrief as to your mission out on Narukami Island."

Y/N: "Oh right, of course! Well, suffice to say that I dealt with the issue that threatened Inazuma. That sea beast has been sealed away just like her partner was in Liyue. And the Grand Narukami Shrine has elected to maintain vigil over her sealed body for the next few centuries at the very least—"

Gorou: "The Grand Narukami Shrine? I see, so you were able to convince your hidden ally there to aid you in this matter then, just as you had planned?"

Oh right! I almost forgot that I didn't exactly give the name of my benefactor at the Grand Narukami Shrine. Whilst I might have explained to Gorou that I was one of those that fought against Osial back in Liyue, that I was the one who dealt the finishing blow to him, I never did tell the General any names of people that had helped me– neither in Liyue or Inazuma. So my relationship with all those on Narukami Island was unknown to the Resistance forces... well, other than Kuki Shinobu I suppose!

For now, I thought it best to keep my friendships with these people hidden, lest these Generals might ask me to attempt to use these bonds of mine for their gain at risk of my friend's safety. Yoimiya, for example, is quite keen to help protect those being hunted down by the Vision Hunt Decree. And someone as kind as her would definitely not say no to a request of mine that might help people... even at risk of her own safety most likely...

All of that, and, I'm not all too sure that anybody in this Resistance force would actually consider Yae Miko, someone who is both retainer, and the Priestess of a Shrine that honours the Raiden Shogun, to be an ally that they could trust!

Y/N: "I did, yes. My hidden friend there ensured the encounter went well and dealt with the aftermath in my stead. They also gave me shelter for a time, so as to recover from my minor injuries– well, less so injuries and more just minor strains that they kept hidden away from the common citizen and soldier. Then, on my approach to leave the island, I ran into another friend of mine who happened to be heading to this same island. She offered me a boat trip back and escorted me most of the way back here, until my Yukina took over and brought me outside your tent."

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