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Kind of short chapter 😳

Chaeryeongs POV

I can't believe Yeji left last night. I didn't notice when she did but when I woke up this morning, I was going to check on her but she wasn't there.

I'm not really sure what happened since I drank so much but I remember her crying so maybe we got into another fight? I feel kind of bad.

I'm hoping she's not too mad because I miss her a little. I'm hoping she comes back tonight so we can have some fun.

Surprisingly I'm not in the mood to have sex right now so I'm just going to stay home all day. I have some homework to do for school so I'll work on that today.

Yejis POV

"Thank you so much Lia. I feel a lot better."

"Anything for you Yeji. Are you sure you want to go back home? What if she tries to hurt you again?" Lia asked confused.

"I'm sure she won't. She was drunk last night."

"That doesn't make it any better-"

"I know Lia but she's not like that. I'll call you if anything happened okay?"


"Promise. I'll get going now." I say, walking in the direction to the door. I was feel a lot better. I've gotten some time to think and I think Chaeryeong only did that because she was drunk. I'm sure she's acting normal again now. I'm not going to stay mad at her for long.

I've also been thinking that I should try harder to get into a relationship. I've been wanting one for a while but I haven't put much effort into and Since Chaeryeong is not interested, I'll find someone else and I have the perfect person in mind.

I started walking home after sending millions of thanks to Lia and Yuna. I'm so glad they helped me out because I have no idea how I would have functioned staying home.

The walk home was actually kind of peaceful. My mind was at ease surprisingly. I was listening to the birds chirping and some children laughing in the distance. This really goes to show that even though there are bad people on this world, you can learn to love it.

I started humming a song until I got to my apartment. Unfortunately I left my keys so I was hoping Chaeryeong didn't leave but the chances of her being there were kind of low.

I knocked on the door and a few seconds later, I heard some footsteps inside.

I watched as the door opened slowly, revealing Chaeryeong.

"Hey." I said, trying to squeeze inside.

"Where were you? What happened last night?" She asked me, letting me inside.

"I was at my friends house." I said.

"Oh? Why?"

"I was pretty scared considering what you did to me." I said kind of annoyed. I saw her expression change to a confused one.

"What did I do?"

"Oh you pretty much raped me." I said, hearing her gasp.


"Mhm. I was sleeping and you came into my room and told me that I couldn't stop you from doing whatever you wanted to me. You don't remember?"

"I-I guess not. I was really drunk."

"Ahh okay." I say trying to walk away but she stopped me.

"I'm so sorry Yeji. I know I might pressure you but I didn't think I would rape you."

"Okay." That was all I said. I saw her face become sad as I walked into my room

Maybe I was wrong. I still am upset at her. How could she do that to me and not even remember.

Im hoping she comes to her senses and makes it right.

Though I said I wouldn't do anything with her again, I am missing her on top of me. Maybe I'm just as bad as her.

Chaeryeongs POV

I felt like crying. I had no idea I would ever do that. What is wrong with me.

I was feeling so bad so I went to the refrigerator and grabbed the bottle of vodka and drank straight from it even though it was only the early afternoon. I know me drinking caused this but I can't feel better unless I do drink.

I was already starting to feel it's effects just from a couple of sips so I chose to stop there.

I walked to my room and sat down trying to think of what to say to Yeji. My mind was blank. I'm just hoping she was kidding about her sleeping with me. I'm already feeling a need for her every day and it's hard not being able to have her.

I'll just have to convince her some way or another.


It was already night time and I've done nothing but sit here and think. Think of nothing that is. I got up from my bed and went to check on Yeji, hoping she would change her mind.

When I got to her room, the door was closed so I knocked before opening it slowly when I didn't get a response.

I saw her tucked in under the covers, sleeping peacefully. I walked over to her and just stared at her.

She looked... beautiful.

I really fucked up.

I crouched down so I was closer to her face and just stared some more, hoping she wouldn't wake up.

She kept snoring softly and making some cute noises.

"I'm so sorry Yeji." I whispered very quietly. I was going to leave until she groaned quietly and I saw her lips curve up into a slight smile. Maybe she heard me.

I leaned back down and gave her a kiss on her cheek. And then one on her temple causing her smile to get bigger.

Maybe I should try to get to know her rather than her body.

I left her room, turning the lights off and went to the kitchen feeling worse than how I felt before.

I grabbed the vodka again and took another huge sip before putting it back.

How could I hurt such a precious being.

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