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Yejis POV

When I woke up, I still felt sad. I just felt like staying in bed all day and doing nothing but I couldn't. I hate not being productive so I have to suck it up and get up.

I thought when I left my room, I would see Chaeryeong because she shouldn't have left yet but when I did, I was all alone.

She never leaves early. She always tells me that there is no point in getting up earlier than you have to. So I'm kind of concerned?

I have to stop being so concerned about her. She's grown and she's responsible for the most part.

I took a deep breath to clear my mind and went to the kitchen to clean up.

There were some dishes that had to be done so I did that first, I reorganized the refrigerator and mopped the floors. When I was finishing up, I noticed a piece of paper on the counter.

I don't remember putting it there so I figured Chaeryeong left it. I picked it up and opened it. It was filled with words so I chose to read it.

To Yeji

I've realized that I've been anything but good to you recently and I feel awful about that. I've started drinking so much because I hate seeing you upset but me drinking just hurts you even more. It's a vicious cycle.

I just want to let you know that my feelings for you have grown and I have started to like you more than just sexually. You're really beautiful and nice and I want to be with you. That's why you being with Ryujin really upset me and it caused so many things to happen.

I think it's better for the both of us if I leave for a while to work on myself. I'm hoping when I come back, you're the same Yeji I have known and maybe we can be friends without benefits then.

I'm sorry for everything I've put you through. I will hopefully see you soon?

Love, Chaeryeong

I know I should be grateful she wrote me and relieved that she's gone but I think she actually didn't write this.

It's hard to tell but when ever Chaeryeong has written me notes in the past, she always does this little thing that I have found really cute.

She draws hearts and smiley faces on every single letter and she always uses colored ink. This is just black.

No matter the occasion, she does the same thing. Thats why I think maybe someone else wrote it but who would? Who has access to our apartment?

No one beside me and Chaeryeong and the landlord of course. Maybe I should call the police? Maybe im just over reacting. What if this is actually Chaeryeong writing. The hand writing seems a bit different also but what if she was just in a rush?

I'm so confused. Maybe I should call Ryujin over to keep me company and help me figure this out.

I got up to get my phone.

"Mmm who is it~" I heard her grumble from the other line.

"Hey Ryujin it's me. I'm sorry for calling so early but i need you right now." I said in a sad voice. I was sad so I guess it wasn't too deceiving

"Oh- what's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Yeah... do you think you could come over."

"Of course I'll be there right away"

She hung up and that was when it kicked in. My roommate is missing.

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