Broken 🔞

642 21 58

Not smut but mature.

⚠️TW: RAPE⚠️

Yejis POV

I felt like dying.

I just watched as Chaeryeong did everything to me. I couldn't even stop her. She was too strong.

God knows I tried to but when she unintentionally slammed my head against the wall, it made me unable to react the way I would have usually.

"If you keep seeing Ryujin, I'm going to keep doing this to you." She whispered in my ear.

My tears have been falling for minutes now. I kept sniffling but it wasn't that loud due to her hand covering my mouth and coincidentally, my nose.

When she said that, I tried to take the opportunity to break free by pushing her forward but she just pushed me back harder making me scream into her hand.

"Don't try anything, yeji." She said.

"Please..." I tried to say but it came out muffled.

She already had my shirt and pants off and my underwear and she was touching my private parts, so close to putting her fingers inside of me.

I sobbed loudly when she started using her fingers.

I felt my sight go blurry and my mind was completely blank. Within seconds I blacked out again.


"Good girl. I'll see you when you come home."

That's what I heard when I regained consciousness.

She handed me my shirt to cover myself and just left me alone in the stall.

My tears probably left puddles on the floor. Why is she so different now? Maybe it's because of her new drinking habit but she's been rough about sex even when she wasn't drunk. She's just not getting consent now.

I slowly slid down the wall and onto the floor and continued my crying. I'm really not sure how I'm supposed to feel.

I couldn't bare to see Chaeryeong get arrested but I'm tired of her using me and hurting me. I should just move out. I'm sure Lia would let me stay with her until I find somewhere to live.

I was getting so distracted with crying and um... being sexually assaulted that I forgot I had a lecture to go to.

I really didn't want to go. I just wanted to go to my room and sleep but you dont always get what you want.

I started getting dressed, I saw that my pants had some liquids on them from Chaeryeong making me come and what not. I was hoping it wasn't that obvious for anyone in my class.

I went to the mirror to wipe my tears off and make sure I looked like all I did was use the bathroom. My eyes were pretty red and I had tear stains so I splashed some water on my face and fixed my hair a bit.

I made sure my clothes weren't wrinkled and walked slowly out of the bathroom. It hurt to walk. I was in so much pain physically and emotionally.

"Look who's back. Miss Hwang what took you so long?" My professor asked right when I came back into the room

I wasn't sure how to answer truthfully. I didn't want to announce to the whole class that my roommate has this sexual obsession over me and will stop at nothing to use me, whether that means to rape me in public places.


"Sit down" he said before I got the chance to explain everything. I hurried to my seat and sat down, putting my head down also. I saw Ryujin looking at me before I did and she looked like she could see right through me and she knew exactly what happened. It looked like she was empathetic towards me.

I couldn't help but to start crying again. I tried to keep quiet but I guess Lia heard me.

"What happened Yeji?" She asked me, tapping on my shoulder.

I chose to ignore her since I really didn't want to talk about anything.

"You can talk to me Yeji. Maybe not here or now but after class-"

"Please just let me cry in peace lia." I told her.

"Okay, sorry. Talk to me when you're ready." She said.

For the rest of class, I had my head down, crying my eyes out.


I hurried home after class, practically jogging so I could just get in my comfortable bed and be left alone.

When I got there, I headed straight to my room but someone stopped me.

"Hi Yeji!!!" Of course it was Chaeryeong.

I ignored her and kept walking but she ran over to me and grabbed my wrist.

I looked down at her hand on me and snatched my arm away.

"Don't. touch. me" I said in a very stern voice.

"W-what? Why?" I think she lost some of the effects of the alcohol. She's seeming like her normal self now.

She tried reaching for me once more but I pushed her away causing her to stumble back.

"If you touch me one more time, I will end you." I said before going to my room and slamming the door. I made sure to lock it this time which I never thought I would have to do in my own apartment.

God she has such an affect on me. Every time I try to stand up for myself, I just feel bad after. When I looked at her, she looked so sad and confused. I just wanted to make her feel better but it's her fault. She's really like an angel when she's not aroused or drunk and I just want to believe that side of her will always be there.

Her being sad just made me want to cry again. I got in bed without changing and began crying once again. I think I would kill myself before I let anything bad happen to her. Even if she's the cruel one and even if she's technically a criminal. She's still an innocent girl at heart and I love her for that.

I miss my old roommate. The sweet and caring one who would always smile when I gave her cuddles and would always bring me gifts when she found something that reminded her of me. The one who would sing random songs during all hours of the day and dance with me while we cooked together.

Even though I miss her, I miss my heart before it was broken more.

Devil in disguise ||Chaerji|| (slow updates)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu