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Yejis POV

When I woke up, I felt very refreshed and energized. I was happy to be sleeping in my bed also.

I looked at the clock and it said 6:30. I did fall asleep kind of early last night so I'm not surprised that I'm waking up early too.

I got out of bed and stretched before walking into the kitchen to get some coffee.

I saw Chaeryeong there, holding her head with her hands and I heard her sigh loudly.

"Hey..." I said, making her lift her head so her eyes could meet mine.

"Oh... hey Yeji."

"Are you okay?" I asked her, getting a cup for my coffee.

"Not really. I'm really hung over."

"Mm. Do you want coffee?" I asked.

"No thank you. I'll just suffer. I deserve it." She said pitifully and put her head back down. I wasn't sure how to respond to that so... I didn't.

I finished making my drink and sat down in the living room so I could watch tv while I drink.

What i was watching was pretty entertaining so I laughed a bit. I did feel some eyes on be from behind so I turned around and saw Chaeryeong move her head away from looking at me, quickly.

"I'll go get ready" she announced some what embarrassed and walked off.

She's kind of weird.

Anyway, I was enjoying my coffee and tv show before she came walking out of her room and left before I could say anything.

"Bye" I said to myself pretending that she could hear me. I don't know what's wrong with her. I remember hearing someone talking to me last night but I just assumed it was a part of my dream. I also felt something on my face. It was really soft and nice. Probably me just dreaming that I had a nice partner that loved me.

Speaking of partner, I'm going to ask someone out today. I've been thinking about it quite often and I think I'm ready to try to start a relationship. I'm both excited and nervous

For the time being, I'm just going to do some things around the apartment and run some errands before class. I'm going to make today a good day no matter what happens or happened between me and my room mate.


When it was about 1, Chaeryeong came back and ignored me again. I'm hoping something bad didn't happen when she was out but the last time she ignored me, that was when she confessed to me that she wanted to have sex. Who knows what it's about now.

I continued doing work around the apartment even though Chaeryeong was locked inside of her room.

I would occasionally see her go into the kitchen to um... drink some alcohol but I didn't think much of it.

When it came time to leave, I started getting dressed. This time I didn't wear pajamas and I did wear a bra just like Chaeryeong told me to do. I know I shouldn't listen to her and I should do what makes me comfortable but... there are no buts, I'm just submissive even when sex isn't involved.

"Um Chaeryeong, im leaving-"

"Bye." She said, cutting me off. She was in her room so I had to knock on the door but she didn't open it and it was locked. Her voice sound kind of shaky so I think she was crying? I have no idea.

That kind of ruined my mood but im just going to forget about it. I walked out the door and left.

When I got to university, I saw just who I was looking for.

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