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Chaeryeongs POV

1 day earlier.

"If you touch me one more time, I will end you."

Those are the words I heard from Yeji before she went in her room and slammed the door.

I was standing there, wondering what I did for her to be so upset with me.

The last thing I remember was I was drinking and then I blacked out. When I woke up, I was in a different place in the apartment.

I have no idea what I did but it must have been bad.

I really didn't want to bother Yeji anymore so I left the apartment.

I just sat in the lobby so I could have some time to think.

I think I have a problem. A few problems actually. One is my drinking problem. I've become an alcoholic. Second is my addiction with sex.

God... how did I become like this. How could I have hurt Yeji so much. Everything just happened so fast and I feel horrible-

"Ahem" I heard someone next to me. I looked up and it was none other than Ryujin.

"Hello? Why are you here?"

"What did you do to Yeji tonight?" She asked me making my headache grow.

"I don't remember. I know I must have done something but i was too drunk to remember."

"Huh... what a good excuse. Well she's told me everything you've done to her in the past. Like how you forced her to have sex with you and you even hit her?"

"Look, I've made a lot of mistakes... even tonight apparently but im trying to fix them-"

"You know Yeji really likes you right? Even though she's going to be my girlfriend, she still likes you and you just treat her like a piece of shit. Don't you think she deserves better?"

I sighed loudly.

"What do you want from me Ryujin?" 

"Give me your keys." She demanded


before I could finished, she pulled me up from the seat and started patting my body down before she found my keys.

"What are you doing!"

"I hope you really work on yourself when you're in prison."


"Yup. You're a criminal so I've called to cops on you. They should be here any minute."

Within an instant, my whole world came crashing down.

"Y-you did w-what?"

Right when I asked that, I heard some police sirens in the distance. I couldn't form any sentence so I just looked at Ryujin with pure shock. She was looking back with a smirk on her face.

"This will teach you for hurting Yeji you monster. I hope they lock you up for an eternity."

I was so lost and shocked that she would do that that i didn't realize the police were here already. They came over to me and handcuffed me harshly.

I couldn't stop my tears from falling. When am I going to be able to see Yeji again? I need her. Even though I've done so much to her, I still love her.

"T-take care of her." I sobbed out to Ryujin, watching as she wove bye to me with a happy look on her face.

Where did it All go wrong? I didn't think what I did was worthy of getting arrested.

My body went completely limp when the police carried me out. They were reciting the things they always say when the arrest someone but what caught my attention the most what what I was being arrested for.

"You are being arrested for second degree rape and class C physical assault"

I didn't say anything because what they said was true. I raped Yeji and I assaulted her.

There was nothing I could do now. I hate giving up but now is a time that I have to.

I'm so ashamed of what i did. I wish I could just go back in time to fix it.

"I love you Yeji." I whispered to myself, pretending as though she could hear me.

Devil in disguise ||Chaerji|| (slow updates)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora