3 : Familiar

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Minho points me to the bathroom and turns on the light. I thank him and close the door. I'm dreading looking in the mirror because I know my humiliation will sink in. I stay facing away from the mirror and take off my clothes. I can feel the tension from my bra releasing. I've never worn my bra for this long. I finally turn around and look at myself. My hair is a rat's nest. I still have the pigtails from Friday night, now frizzy and completely out of place. My bra left horrible red marks on my chest. My mascara is all over my cheeks. Somehow my eyeliner is still intact, so I look cute in a I slept in my makeup kind of way. Which I did.

I grab the cleansing balm and rub it all over my face focusing on my eyes. I rub my lash line until I no longer feel the hard, dried mascara. I rinse it with warm water and look at the mirror. I see new red bumps on my cheeks and just walk into the shower.

The shower is a bit confusing. I debate if I should just try and try until I get it or just ask someone for help. I know Jisung and Jeongin are in the room. I put my shirt and skirt back on and walk to the room I heard them talking from. Jisung answers the door.

Jisung : Hi. *he stares at me for a moment* Um...I have your clothes here. I grabbed a few outfits because I wasn't sure what you wanted to wear.

I see 4 outfits laid out for me. One is gray sweatpants and a brown and blue striped shirt. The other is yellow basketball shorts and a white tee. The third outfit is jeans and red and black flannel. And the last outfit is black basketball shorts with a red hoodie.

Y/N : Thank you so much. You didn't have to pick out so many things.

Jisung : It's okay. I didn't mind. I just wanted to give you options.

I hear Jeongin laughing from the hallway. He's looking into the room and smiling so big I can't help but smile too. I grab the gray sweatpants outfit and the red hoodie.

Y/N : Thanks, I'll take these. I actually came in here because I need help.

Jisung : Oh, what is it? Are you okay?

Y/N : Yeah I'm fine. I just don't know how to turn on the shower.

He smiles and walks with me to the bathroom. We walk in and the moment I step in I see my bra and panties on the floor. I feel my face getting hot. Why was I stupid enough to just leave them on the floor? He walks in and is just focused on the shower so he doesn't seem to notice. I try to kick them out of the way. As I'm doing this, he turns around to look at me while he tells me how the shower works. He sees what I'm doing, and his eyes go wide as he looks down. We made eye contact, and I see his face go a bit red. He turns back to the shower and tells me how it works.

Y/N : Okay, I think I was moving it the opposite way. That's why I couldn't get it.

Jisung : I'll go so you can shower.

I follow him so I can close the door behind him.

Y/N : Thank you. Is there a hair dryer in here?

He turns and looks at my eyes then my breasts then back at my eyes. With a bright red face he stutters.

Jisung : Dryer...yea...yes. It's there. Right there. *pointing at the cabinets under the sink* Under that there.

Y/N : Okay, thanks. I'll be out soon.

I close the door and feel my body melting in embarrassment. Why would I just leave them on the floor knowing I was going to bring someone in to help me? Whatever, it doesn't matter. I turn on the hot water and step into the shower. It feels incredible. I feel all my old sweat from last night washing off.

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