26 : Thursday

696 17 32

Waking up, it's still dark out and Chan is fast asleep next to me. I check my phone and it's 05:03. Feeling a bit off, I go into the kitchen for a glass of water. Sitting at the kitchen island, I remember what Minho told me. Destined. Destined to be with Jisung, how bizarre. What a load of bullshit. The only time I'd seen a dream predict the future is in fucking Final Destination, and those movies aren't even worth seeing twice. Destiny, fate, the inevitable, it's just something people want to believe, to make them feel purposeful. To feel like losing their job or waking up to find their car has a flat tire has some sort of meaning. It's silly. 

Through the background noise in the house, I hear a door and quiet foot steps coming towards me. It's not from the guys upstairs, I don't hear the stairs creaking. Then, I hear a whisper coming from the living room.

Voice : Felix? Are you up?

Walking towards me is Jisung. 

Y/N : No, it's just me. 

Jisung : Oh, hey. I thought it was Felix. I saw the light in the window. 

He points to the window above the stove. 

Jisung : Felix has trouble sleeping sometimes. I'll usually find him here in the middle of the night. 

Y/N : I see, do you have trouble sleeping too?

Jisung : Sometimes. Usually when I have something on my mind. 

Y/N : What's on your mind?

Jisung : Nothing worth talking about. 

Y/N : If it's keeping you up, it's worth talking about. I'll listen. I'm not going to sleep anytime soon. 

Jisung : Stress, about my family, work, life in general. So many things all at once. 

Y/N : I get it. Do you get to see your family often?

Jisung : No, my brother is always traveling for work. My dad is in Japan a lot for work and my mother follows him. I could go and visit the house, but it's empty. There's no point. But I call often. I talk to them everyday. But it's just not the same as being with them. 

Y/N : That's hard. I spend a lot of time away from my parents, but it's my choice. I choose to travel, but it's not up to you. Do you feel lonely? Even in a full house?

Jisung : Yeah, the guys are like my family, but they're not my family.

Y/N : I'm sorry. I wish the guys or I could help with that, but we can't fill their place. Not much we can do. 

He chuckles and nods his head. 

Y/N : And what about work? What's stressing you out there?

Jisung : The new album. It's in Japanese. I'm getting a lot of shit for my pronunciation, and Chan is really on my ass. He's been impatient with me. 

Y/N : Do you want me to talk to him?

Jisung : No! Please no. That'll make it worse. 

Y/N : Sorry. 

Jisung : It's not your fault. It's just...him. He doesn't like me much these days. 

Y/N : It's my fault. He doesn't like you because of me. I've caused nothing but problems since I've been here. 

Jisung : Don't say that. It's really not your fault. We've always bumped heads. I love the guy and I know he loves me. We're just too much alike yet so different. I don't know how to explain it. 

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