23 : The Date

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Hearing a crumpling sound, I open my eyes to see Chan eating a bag of chips.

Chan : Great! You're up.

I remove the blanket from me and put a shirt and shorts on. 

Chan : I'm going to shower. Want to join me?

I see him smiling so big his eyes disappear. 

Y/N : Yay I'll join you. What time is it?

Chan : It's 17:03. You were asleep for around 40 minutes. You know, you snore really cute.

I blush of embarrassment because I didn't know I snored until this moment.

Y/N : Shut up.

I walk towards and wrap my arms around him.

Y/N : You surprised me. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought you've done this before.

He grins wide and covers his red face with his hand.

Chan : Stop.

Y/N : Do you watch a lot of porn?

He pulls away from my hug and plops on the bed burying his face in the pillow to muffle his scream. I laugh knowing the answer. I grab his bicep and pull him.

Y/N : Okay, okay. I'm done. Get up, let's go shower.

He peaks out the door like a spy and looks both ways. He's about to step out the door but is interrupted. The door flies open, and I stand staring at Felix and Changbin in the doorway with wild grins on their faces. Felix lifts his shoulders to his cheeks and screams at the top of his lungs. 

Felix : YOU TWO!!!

He's interrupted by Changbin putting his hand of his mouth. 

Changbin : BE QUIET!! YOU'RE SO LOUD!!!

Ironically, Changbin says this even louder than Felix.

Chan : Were you gremlins listening?

Felix : It's hard to ignore it with your room right across from me. Sound travels you know?

I feel my face getting hot and can't help but laugh awkwardly wishing I could just fall through the floor. Changbin ruffles Chan's hair and looks at me.

Changbin : You took our Channie's innocence. 

Chan : Okay, enough. Felix, go clean the kitchen. And Changbin...just go away. 

Changbin : We wanted to let you know that the lawyers left a bit ago. They'll talk to the rest of us tomorrow at the company.

Chan : Okay, go. 

Changbin begins to walk away. He notices Felix is still standing in the doorway grinning and giggling like a child. Changbin grabs his arm and tugs him so rough Felix almost falls over. Walking away Changbin has Felix in a headlock and is telling him to be quiet. 

Chan : I'm sorry, they're so immature sometimes. 

Laughing it off, we walk to the bathroom. Chan turns on the lights, and I look in the mirror. I see the scratches on my face have faded. A few remain but look like cat scratches.

He removes his clothes and leans into the shower to turn on the water. I see his cute butt and give it a smack. He jumps in the air. 

Chan : Ahaha!

I laugh because of how startled he is. He pulls me to him and starts tickling me. I laugh until I start crying and beg him to stop because I'll end up peeing from being tickled.

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