10 : Chan's Room

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I follow Chan up the stairs and see Jisung's door open but he's not in there. Chan opens his door and it looks completely different. It smells sweet, and he changed the bedding to a pretty pale yellow and there are plushies on the bed. Cute string lights hang along the walls; I don't remember seeing it before. I pick up one of the plushies.

Y/N : Is this a kangaroo?

Chan rubs his hair and smiles so hard his eyes disappear.

Chan : Yeah, I thought it was cute and you'd like it.

Y/N : It is cute. The room is really cute too. Thank you for this. It's really sweet.

Chan : I also set up the desk for you. I moved my stuff so you have room for whatever you need. I want you to be comfortable here.

Y/N : Thank you. And here *I hand him the card*

Chan : Hold on to it.

Y/N : Are you sure?

Chan : Use it for emergencies. Hopefully we don't have any, but just incase.

I can't help but smile because of him.

Y/N : You don't have to do all this. I don't want to be a bother.

Chan : I want to do this. Your comfort is my comfort.

I feel myself blushing, and I sit on the bed. Chan sits next to me. I look at his eyes, and they are just beaming. He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes.

Chan : Can I ask you something?

I feel my heart starting to race not knowing what this question could entail.

Y/N : Yeah *clearing my throat* of course.

Chan : Will you stay here?

Y/N : I am staying here.

Chan : I mean move in here. I want you close to me all the time.

Y/N : But I have a house. Do I just forget about that? All my stuff is there. And isn't this only temporary. You need your room back eventually.

Chan : This can be your room. I'm staying in my office. I just moved a bed in there. You live alone. I don't want you alone.

Y/N : Yeah but...

Chan : There are bad people in this world. I don't want them anywhere near you. But I can't do anything if you're far away from me. I need you here.

Y/N : Chan...

Chan : You don't have to answer now. Just know it's an option. It'll always be an option.

Y/N : Okay, I'll think about it.

Chan hugs me and holds me tight. He inches away to look into my eyes. He smiles and looks down to my lips. I think he's going to kiss me. He looks back to my eyes and let's me go then stands up quickly.

Y/N : Are you okay?

Chan : Yeah. I just forgot something. I have to go downstairs.

Y/N : Okay. I'll see you in a bit.

Chan : Yeah *visibly tense* see you.

He walks out the door, and I lay back on the bed. What is going on? What should I think of all this? I thought I would just mess around with Jisung and we'd just have fun. Now Chan is...he's...I don't know. He clearly cares for me but...he's holding himself back. And Jisung. He's showed me that he wants me, and I reciprocated. But considering how, not just Chan, but the other guys don't want him alone with me...maybe I should listen.

Stay With Me | Han Jisung X Reader | Bang Chan X Reader | Stray Kids ~ SKZ |Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin