16 : Joy

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Y/N : I'm leaving work right now.

Joy : Okii, I'll be ready!


I arrive at her house and Joy has a large bag with her. She walks around to the passenger's seat.

Joy : Hey!! I missed you!

She tosses her bag to the back and gives me a big hug.

Y/N : I missed you too.

Joy : Are you taking me the meet those cute guys!?!?

Y/N : No, well we're going to the house, but they're not there right now.

Joy : That's okay, I have plenty of time to see them.

Y/N : Why did you bring your big bag with you?

Joy : Are we not having a sleep over?

Y/N : I mean...we could I guess but I wasn't planning on it.

Joy : Ugh just say you don't like me spare me the heartache.

Y/N : No, Joy. Don't be upset. I just didn't expect it. We can have a sleep over. Definitely.

Joy has a big smile on her face now as she buckles her seatbelt.

Crap, I hope Chan isn't too upset about this. I don't want to hurt Joy's feelings. I think he'd be okay with it, right?

We've been driving for around 15 minutes now.

Joy : *restless* How are is this place? I'm getting cramped sitting in this car.

Y/N : Are you kidding me? It's only been 15 minutes. You've sat in a plane for 10 + hours before and this is what makes your body cramp?

Joy : Don't be so mean. Vacation Joy and going to my friend's house Joy have different levels of patience.

Y/N : Whatever. It's only like 5 more minutes

Joy groans and stares out the window like a dramatic teen in a movie that's being forced to move to a new town.

Y/N : Lulu is at the house.

Joy : OH MY GOSH!! LULU!! I miss her so much!!! Her beautiful pink nose and pink toe beans. Drive faster!!!

Y/N : I'm not trying to crash. We'll be there in a minute.

We finally get to the house and Joy is so excited she closes the door on her skirt.

Joy : Y/N, can you unlock the door?

I laugh and hit the unlock button. I reach to the backseat and grab her bag. It's so heavy, she must have a week's worth of stuff in here.

She takes the bag from me and begins jumping up and down.

Joy : Come one!! I want to see Lulu!!!

I unlock the door and see Changbin, Jeongin, and Seungmin sitting on the couch watching a show. I quickly close the door and turn to face Joy causing her to bump into me.

Joy : Hey! Why'd you do that?

Y/N : I have something to tell you before we go in.

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