Chapter 5: Don't lose your head

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Woman: Please... Please don't kill me !!

???: Oh come now. It's your own fault for walking around at this time of night. Didn't your parents warn you about the scary monsters that come out after dark ?


???: Really ? You would be willing to do anything I asked ?


???: And what if I told you I want to see your head separated from your body ? Would you be willing then ?

 ???: And what if I told you I want to see your head separated from your body ? Would you be willing then ?

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???: Mmmmmm~... Happy, happy~. I just can't stop doing this~.

Your POV:

Najenda: The target this time, is the rumored serial killer that is plaguing the capital. Late at night he suddenly appears, and chops off the victim's head. It's unknown how many dozens of people he has killed so far.

"I like his style. He's got that terror running for him. Plus he killed some imperial guards, so he's gotta be fairly strong for that."

Lubbock: there's no mistake, it has to be Zank the Beheader.

Tatsumi: Who's that ?

Mine: You don't know ? You really are a country bumkin, huh ?

Sheele: Pardon me, but I don't know either.

Mine: I think you've just forgotten, Sheele...

Tatsumi: So what kind of monster is he ?

Mine: Zank the Beheader...

*He originally worked at the Empire's greatest prison, as their executioner. Because of the prime minister, there were many people to be executed. Day after day, again and again, he took the heads of those on their knees pleading for their lives. It seems that after years of this, these beheadings became a nasty habit of his.*

"Not strange he lost a few screws with that kind of things..."

Mine: So, executing prisoners started not to be enough for him, so he became a serial killer.

Bulat: He disappeared right around the time that a detainment force was sent to find him... Who would think he'd still be in the capital ?

Tatsumi: What a horrible guy ! We need to find him and beat his ass !!

Killer in White (Akame ga Kill X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now