Chapter 13: Heart-to-heart

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/voice-off

Your POV:

Your POV:

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'Well... Didn't this whole thing take an unexpected turn... Walking right inside the dragon's maw... And oh boy, what a dragon this is..."

Esdeath: I made you wait, sorry.

"You didn't, really. I have enough things on my mind to keep me from being bored."

Esdeath: Is that so... Would you like a drink ?

"Not thirsty, thank you."

Esdeath: Fufu... You're surprisingly calm. I also like that imperturbable side. Well, I'm not quite sure what to do on this situation myself... But, as long as we know what we want, I'm sure we can figure it out, right ?

"And what you want... That would be me ?"

Esdeath: ... If it wasn't the case... You wouldn't be sitting here, would you ? ... Now... What is it that you want ?

"... Something that even you couldn't give me."

Esdeath: Oh ? Now I'm even more curious, what would that be ? What is that thing even I cannot give you ?

"... The fall. The fall, of this wretched Empire. You probably already know by now, that i'm from the outskirts. The western frontier..."

"For generations, war between the two nations has raged on, ravaging the land, slaughtering the people... But I suppose I don't really need to school you on this matter... You had a first-row seat yourself, did you not ?"

Esdeath: ... So that's that...

"I never saw snow in my life before that... Although the sight of the entire landscape encased in solid ice was quite the change from the usual arid scenery. What was my surprise when I discovered the one responsible for it..."

Esdeath: ... ... ... Is this why you've been so... Compliant ? Waiting for the correct time to get revenge ?

"... I've been taught to not hold grudges... To not let my emotions cloud my judgement, or interfere with what I must do. I have no hatred for the ones following orders, regardless of how... Enthusiastically they carry out these orders. No, the only one deserving of my undivided attention... Is the fat pig controlling that entire Empire from the shadow, that wretched prime Minister.

"So to answer what I want, or rather, what i'm here for... in a sense, i'm grateful you allowed me to enter the military."

Esdeath: Tao...


Esdeath: What are you thinking, saying that to a general of the Empire ?

"Kh... It's true, you are a general of this very Empire I despise... But I know enough about you, to know your loyalty is only depending on the bloodshed it can bring you. I know the only reason you're staying 'loyal' to the prime Minister is because his constant wars lets you trample on the weak."

Killer in White (Akame ga Kill X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now