Part 3: His presence

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The company staff had successfully snuck us into the hotel without issue. The air-conditioned room of my suite welcomed me as I retrieved a beer from the fridge. Jimin had insisted on joining, instead of retreating back to his own room for the night. He also insisted on ordering curry udon, and other various food dishes to the room. Instead of settling for cup noodles. Sigh.

He sat on the floor across from me, slurping his noodles greedily. Barely giving them a chance to cool off, while simultaneously cramming sushi into his mouth. If you wanted all of this, why didn't you go out with the others.

I glared as he attempted to lean across the floor table, grabbing for my beer. I moved it before his hand could reach it, while serving a look of warning across my face. I knew that he could not hold his alcohol.

Jimin looked confused, "tch..ill get my own then." He rose to his feet and made his way to the fridge.

I sighed in thought. Maybe just one won't hurt...

After making his selection of soju and beer, he sat back down. My glare hardened as he cracked them open and mixed them. He sipped to check the taste and smiled with satisfaction.

"The other hyungs wanted me to go out with them tonight, but I didn't feel like going. I'm pretty tired, the concert was intense. What about you, are you tired?"

Is he oblivious?

"Mm" I nodded stiffling back a yawn without saying much else. Then why didn't you go back to your own room, if you're so tired. I thought inwardly.

His face turned away from mine almost frowning at my shortened response, or rather noise. He hummed quietly to fill the silence while gathering more noodles into his metal chopsticks. I didn't care if he was upset by me right now. I was honestly tired, and didn't feel like being his entertainment for the night.

I took my last sip of beer and gathered the leftover trash of my meal. Heading towards the bin to dispose of it. "I'm going to shower" I announced hoping he would take his cue to leave.

I desperately need some alone time Jimin.

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Where stories live. Discover now