Part 19: I need advice

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Seeking advice from Taehyung and Jungkook as a couple didn't feel strange. The part that felt strange was seeking advice on how to date Jimin. All three of us had planned to visit today, and decided to carpool. Essentially because I don't have a license yet.

Jungkook drove with his fingers intertwined in Tae's, nodding to the music playing on the radio. In context they looked perfect together. I could almost imagine an invisible red string attached to the pair. Their love was that of a fairytale. Sweet and unconditional. Even with their occasional disagreements.

How do they navigate being a couple in this industry? I know its difficult, especially trying to keep it a secret from the world outside of our group. Being in love isn't easy to mask. Seokjin Hyung and I give them a pretty hard time too. Maybe we should ease up a bit. The fans already ship them as is, we could bless the two with some slack on our scoldings.

I cleared my throat, feeling my heart pick up its pace. "So uh, I could use some advice."

Tae, turned his head inquisitively. His puppy-like scultped eyes fixating on me. "Sure hyung, what is it?"

Jungkook smirked. "The great leader Kim Namjoon needing our advice?"

"Watch it" I softly snapped, then composed myself. " you all know, Jimin and I... kinda have a thing going now. And I was hoping y-you two could." My nerves were getting to me, I was losing any shred of confidence I had left. And partially my dignity.

The two shared a knowing smile.

"Hoping we could?" Tae spoke up. His tone masked as sincerity. Truly he was mocking me.

The embarrassment scalded me. My cheeks felt hot and my heart was pounding out of my chest. By this point I was almost sure they could hear it.
"I need advice on how to date Jimin."

The words came quickly as my gaze redirected to the car window, burning holes into it. Staring at nothing, and avoiding further eye contact as I sunk into humiliation.

Taehyung laughed empathetically. "We saw this coming a mile away, didn't we kookie?"

Jungkook nodded "called it."

"Well?" I asked with impatience. "How did you two start dating? How do you keep the romance going." I motioned finger quotations around the word romance.

Tae admired Jungkook's face before answering, as if he was reminiscing. "Well, it was just a mutual affection. One night about six years ago, it happened. We were up late in the kitchen together. Singing, dancing and making cup noodles. Sneaking snack cakes from the pantry. Nothing too special or romantic, we just stopped to look at eachother. Then gave into it. Kookie kissed me first actually. We had liked eachother for a long time, I think we were afraid of taking the first step, not knowing how the other would react. We held back till then."

"And we've been this way since. You don't have to try hard to impress Jimin. He has always been infatuated with you Namjoon. We were all just waiting for you to notice. He likes you for you. Let the rest come naturally. No relationship is perfect, you just have to put in time and effort to make it work." Jungkook added.

So everyone knew but me? Jimin how long have you actually been waiting?

I sucked my cheeks, revealing my dimples. Holding my breath for a while, feeling guilt cycle through me. Until the anticipation of seeing him stirred my insides.

I'll make it up to him, all this time I wasted by brushing away my own subconscious urges...

Jungkook parked near the back of the Hospital deck. Breaking the concentration on my thoughts when he unbuckled his seatbelt. Staff were already waiting to escort us safely inside. My anticipation rose. Entering his room was even worse, it was pathetic how I darted to his side. Taking his hand into mine, kissing it awkwardly. Almost forgetting the couple that accompanied me.

I'm still navigating how to correctly display my affection. Everything still feels pretty alien to me right now. I just want to show him I care somehow.

"Aweeee." Jungkook teased, poking his cheeks with his index fingers, then formed a heart above his head with his extended arms. "Sooo cute!"

Tae slapped his back, "hajima." Jungkook in turn, pulled him close by his waist. Kissing into his shoulder. "Fine, I will leave them alone."

Tae smiled triumphantly. Giving a half hearted thumbs up to me.

They might as well just give me the shovel to bury myself with, because I'm ready to die of embarrassment.

Jimin sat up, still grasping my hand. "Hi guys." He greeted the other two with a giggle and soft wave. Appearing angelic, even under the lighting of his hospital room.

He is so pretty.

I gasped in realization, patting myself down. "Oh Jimin, im sorry. I forgot to bring a gift." I pinched his cheek gently, hoping he wouldn't feel disappointed.

"It's okay, Im just happy to see you." He shooed my hand away from his face, squinting and rubbing the spot.

Tae and Jungkook took lead of the conversations, visiting for atleast an hour before deciding to head home. Their excuse was founded on wanting to give us some privacy. Yet, their bedroom eyes told me that they were the ones in need of some privacy. "Call a company car to pick you Hyung. Byeee Jiminsii!" Tae called out as Jungkook literally pulled him through the exit of the room. I was half afraid they wouldn't even make it out of the hospital before getting tangled up somewhere together.

Jimin faced me after their depature, his eyes devouring me in one look. He chewed his lip, caressing my hand and then boldly drawing it close to his inner thigh. His demeanor changed into that of severe sensuality. "I have a different gift in mind Namjoon-ah."

Goosebumps rose on my arm and neck. I blushed, feeling the prickles of arousal begin to claw at me.

Here!? He wants to do this here!?

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