Part 21: Warmth

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The sound of buzzing stirred me out of sleep. My eyes blinked rapidly, fighting my blurred vision. I yawned and rolled over to seek out the source.

It feels so early, what is that? Ah, My phone.

The buzzing continued, as I felt around searching for the outline of my phone. The sun was just beginning to rise, shyly peeping through my apartment windows.

Oh its Jimin, he's texting me.

[Good morning ♡]

[Guess what?]

[Wake up!]

[The hospital is releasing me today]


[Don't forget about me]

[Our trip will happen today right?]

[I'm excited]

[Text me back! ]

I smiled to myself and responded to his text, making sure to answer his question about the trip. His messages gave me a warmth I've never felt before. I held the phone close to my heart, ready to actually hold him again.

The news left me feeling reassured that all of our troubles were behind us. I was glad he healed quickly, and wanted the trip to be everything he hoped for. Maybe, because I felt as if he put all of his energy into healing, just for this. I didn't want to disappoint him.

I was afraid to bore Jimin with my knowledge of art and nature. He is not patient enough to appreciate some of those things, not in the sense that I do anyway. Thankfully, Taehyung came to my aid, and assisted in planning the trip. He gave many romantic suggestions, which were written into my mini notebook. Even going as far as suggesting that I watch some of Jimin's favorite romance dramas. "Just for inspiration" he had teased. I binged them, all of them. Obviously I needed all of the pointers I could get, well...begged for. The biggest issue was executing them without flaw.

The anticipation did not dial down. Not even when the company car was packed with our luggage. I fidgeted with my hands the whole ride to the hospital. I became agitated while waiting on the nurse to accompany him out. I wanted them to hurry, I couldn't wait to see him.

Is this what falling in love feels like?

I mentally counted to myself, hoping to soothe my racing heart. Praising and cursing whatever resides above, because it didn't take long for him to emerge. His heavenly smile radiating across his face as he jogged towards the car. A dismayed nurse followed on his heels.

"Take it easy!" She called out.

He ignored her, as he does to almost anyone, lunging towards me with excitement. I extended my arms to catch him, stumbling backwards as I crushed him tight against my chest. I couldn't hold down my laughter while kissing and smelling into his hair. His scent was bewitching, it drowned me in a mellow calmness. "Be careful, don't act so stubborn." I mused.

"Don't crush me." He fussed, squirming in my hold.

He is here, safe with me. Finally.

"Are you ready?" I asked softly into his ear, still embracing him. Watching as his nurse started to slink away with annoyance. Most likely happy to rid of us. It was somewhat enjoyable to be treated regularly, instead of the usual as idols.

He nodded "Mm, but I want to change first." He motioned with displeasure to his wrinkled Lovers logo T-shirt and black sweatpants, pulling away to investigate the luggage.

"I packed a bag, with some of your preferred outfits."

I hope that I packed the right things, he is meticulous sometimes.

Jimin beamed at my words, unzipping his bag to rummage about. He appeared satisfied after finding his white button up and converse shoes to match. His beige shorts were his next choice, go figure. Followed by round framed sunglasses.

My smile quickly turned into horror when he suddenly pulled off his shirt and dropped his pants. Changing without a care in the parking deck. I jumped to block his body with mine, bringing my arms out in a feeble attempt to cover him.

"Jimin are you crazy, someone could see you!" I hissed.

He grinned without apology and finished dressing. "This feels much better, atleast you somewhat acknowledge my casual taste."

"Get in the car you little punk." I lowered my voice as I herded him into its open door, trying to hide a creeping smirk. My face betrayed me. I adore his quirky and spontaneous behavior. Jimin certainly is aware of that. He has always felt confident around me, even after confessing.

This time, after settling into the car. I pulled him closer, allowing him to nestle into my side. Never wishing to shoo him away again.

"Letsssss go!" Jimin squeaked out playfully. Repeating words he once uttered at a concert that caused the crowd frenzy from it's cuteness. This time, it was mainly to dig at me. Knowing that I sometimes found the childish behavior unbecoming.

I faked a cringe, while rolling my eyes in exaggeration. Leaning back and squeezing his hand, I let my mind slip into my thoughts. Please never lose this side of you, the side that brightens a room with your very smile. The side of you that is kind, gentle, and childlike. Even if it annoys me, this world is such a dark place, and you make it tolerable. One day I will tell you all of this, once I get the nerve. For now, I will hope that you will hold onto that side of you, without losing grip. And while you hold onto it. I will hold onto you.

"But where are we going?" He asked in a now more serious and curious tone.

I tilted my head into his. "You'll see."

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Where stories live. Discover now