Part 5: A bad feeling

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I rarely saw Jimin the week following the incident, mainly during our dance practices. We avoided each other, his eyes downcast anytime he neared me. Barely presenting a smile to anyone. He rubbed the faded purple bruise on his arm, then pulled his shirt sleeve down. Hiding what I caused by my careless shove. Guilt swelled slightly in my stomach.

He sat cross-legged on the floor with sweat beading across his forehead, staring seemlessly at nothing. He danced hard at practice. Clinging to every word from Hoseok as he instructed everyone through the steps. Jimin was literally throwing himself into it.

It seemed to be his only distraction from his mind. I wondered how much he remembered from the night I shoved him. He was incredibly drunk. Was he ashamed or embarrassed? Or was he just hurt by my response?

I stole glances at him, wondering what my next move needed to be. I couldn't let this go on. We had to address it. I needed to know where this behavior was coming from.

Had he misinterpreted my caring attitude towards him as something else? As a group, we had always been close and very affectionate towards each other. For the longest time since our debut, between trainings and traveling. We only had just the seven of us to depend on. What changed?

I forced myself from the wall I had been leaning against, moving slowly in his direction. Calculating my choice of words carefully. He stood as he noticed my approach, avoiding my gaze while setting his jaw tight with his lips pursed together.

"Jim-" I started, but he brushed past me. Knocking my shoulder as he went. I contemplated reaching out to grab him, I wanted to stop him, but I felt nervous of harming him again in my grasp.

I also didn't want to draw the attention of the others. Recently, times were stressful as is. Our schedules were packed. Barely leaving us any free time, let alone any time for drama inside the group.

I'm starting to get a bad feeling that this is not just going to blow over.

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Where stories live. Discover now