Part 8: Bad behavior 🔞

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18+ Mature warning. Sexual content and some violence.

My pace quickened as I pushed past the crowd, bursting with the pain of my thoughts swarming my mind. They held me captive almost paralyzing me, cold sweat began to bead on my body.

..Where is he?

I turned, passing into the threshold of the lobby. I made the decision to make my way down one of the random halls leading to the restrooms.

I have no idea where to actually look.

The lights dimmed the further I traveled. I felt like my heart could explode any second.

I can't breathe, why am I so scared right now.

I made a second turn down yet another hallway, much dimmer than the one I was just in. I broke into a run, clenching my fist as I went. "Aish"

The sound of kissing and light laughter echoing the hall stopped my movement. Pain flared through my gut as I spotted them, the raven haired idol was pressing Jimin's back to the wall. His lips grazing across his throat. Jimin's hands were raised, stroking the boys hair. I could see that much, before my eyes glossed with rage.


They both jumped in alarm.

"S-sorry Sunbae we j-just." The raven haired boy stuttered, appearing afraid from being caught.

He should be afraid.

"Go back to your group" I seethed. My eyes threatened violence at the hint of any protest. The idol bowed quickly and retreated out of sight.

"And you" I growled at Jimin.

"...Stop acting so easy towards anything with a dick between its legs."

Jimin shoved me, his eyes fluttering at the brink of angry tears."Asshole" he bit out.

I scoffed, opening my mouth to laugh at his boldness. He shoved my chest again with his small hands. I instinctively reached around while slamming him against the wall, my hand cradled his head to protect it from the impact. My lip curled back.

"Damn it Jimin. You are driving me insane."

"What do you care" he angled his chin getting ready to spit in my face.

Seriously? That is what he is resorting too?

My hand grabbed his cheeks squeezing hard. "Don't you even try it."

He struggled against me as I eyed his puckered lips. I couldn't help but to give into my jealous and possessive thoughts.
My mouth slipped down into his, before allowing him the chance to spit at me. My tongue licked over his while simultaneously reaching and pinning his hands above his head. Kissing more roughly each time after being tested entirely too much. A string of his saliva hung from my mouth as I leaned back to take in the view of him. He looked so inhumanly beautiful.

"How dare he think he can have you."

Inhaling sharply I bent to speak in his ear. "No one else is allowed to do this to you." I bit pulling on his bottom lip, making him whine as I felt the growing heat between my own legs. I felt sinful in this but I didnt stop. My hands reached, gripping his throat.

Everyone always referred to Jimin as having the likeness of an Angel. They were right.

"What an corrupt angel." I growled with an unsteady voice. Enraged by his act with the other boy.

"Namjoon-ah" he whispered in a faint voice.

My veins appeared across my flexed arms as I squeezed. Watching as he writhed under my touch, clearly submitting. I listened as he softly choked on his own moans.

"Stop testing me Jimin."

After mere seconds I let go, kissing into his lips harder. Leaning into him, I could feel the growing bulge in his pants. His erection turned me on even more.

I want more, this is not enough.

He lifted up my shirt, causing my body to shudder when his fingers traced my stomach. I felt electrified at his touch.
My hands traveled his suit jacket, unbuttoning it one by one until it fell to the floor. He gazed up at me with desire blazing in his eyes. Hesitantly, he unbuttoned my pants. Then searched my face, awaiting my next move. As if he was unsure of what my reaction would be.

I hoisted him up letting his legs wrap around me, my arms balanced him steadily. I groaned and ran my mouth in butterfly kisses across his jawline and then his throat. Sucking at the skin that only moments ago, had someone else's lips on it.

Frustrated by this thought, I set him down. He leaned forward urging for another kiss in response. I pinned him back, halting his attempt. He was clearly more than ready to go all the way. It made me wonder how many times he has done this with other people, especially in public places such as this.

"You should be ashamed of yourself for letting him touch you."

Jimin opened his mouth to respond.

"Don't give me any excuses, I don't want to hear them." I warned.

His eyes began to water.

I turned my back releasing my hold, abandoning him in the hallway. Afraid that I wouldn't stop if I Iingered there any longer. Knowing that I would ruin him in my grasp if I turned back around. I wanted him so badly in that moment, but I was also so angry. This behavior was unlike me.

Jimin you are becoming my undoing.

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