Part 23: You'll never walk alone

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Once the car was parked close to the beach, I pulled the picnic basket from it's trunk. Jimin peered around from the side, a cute smile displayed across his face. His whole aura was that of pure happiness, but only moments ago he was ready to tear off my clothes.

My eyes studied the sandy beach, I was never particularly fond of sand. I didn't like how it could easily stick to you and get everywhere, but I would tolerate it for him.

The wind felt amazing. It's gentle breezes of salt air felt welcoming, like a hug from an old friend. Water rolled against the sand, leaving foam in its wake. The sky was framed perfectly by the setting sun. The tide hadn't come in just yet, which I was thankful for. It was a perfect romantic atmosphere.

"Let me help." He reached taking a blanket into his arms, snuggling it close while walking through the sand to pick a place to sit.

My gaze fell onto him adoringly as I followed behind. He shooed away a crab that rested in the spot he had chosen. Making me laugh to myself. How cute.

"Right here!" He proclaimed, pointing at the spot.

I assisted in spreading out the blanket, then setting the basket down onto it. "Woww so much food." Jimin spoke excitedly while reaching into the basket. He pulled out a bottle of sparkling juice, then glared. "Hyung, you really don't trust me with alcohol?" His lips turned into a playful pout.

"You'll be drunk on me before the night is over." I pecked a kiss onto his cheek.

Jimin gasped covering his mouth to laugh. "That was a horrible pickup line."

I grinned, shaking my head in embarrassment for actually saying it as I took the bottle from his hands. Pouring a glass and sipping it. "It has a nice aroma." I teased.

Jimin rolled his eyes and tore off a piece of bread, aiming to put it in his mouth. This effort was disrupted when a bird swooped down, stealing it from his hands. We gawked at eachother in surprise, then erupted into laughter.

Obviously things aren't going as romantically as planned, but this is nice. Just being here together like this.

We ate, and laughed together. Sharing kisses and caresses. Inching closer to eachother over time. My body burned with the longing to keep him near me, to touch him more. I had to steady my pace. Not yet, not here.

Right now would be the best time to give him this though. I patted the pocket that contained our couple rings.

"Jimin" I spoke softly.

"Mnh?" He responded, looking up. The last bit of shining light from the sun hit his eyes, making them glow with specks of hazel and amber.

He really is an angel.

I took his hand and slipped the silver ring onto his finger, my initials were engraved into it. As his were engraved on mine. "It's a couple ring. It's not much, but I never want you to feel lonely. So, whenever you look at it, think of me. I'm always with you. Even if I'm not directly by your side, you'll never walk alone."

"Namjoon-ah" he inspected the ring, his eyes brimmed with tears. Failing to hold back a smile, he leaned into my arms pressing his cheek into my shoulder. "Thank you." Was all he choked out before beginning to cry.

"Jimin" I whispered, then hugged him tighter into my chest. My lips pressed into his ear.

I love the sound of his name, when it comes from my mouth. I could repeat it all day, and never tire of it.

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt