Part 9: Just a little longer

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Yoongi met me in the lobby as I exited the hallway, confusion spread across his features. His eyes wandering behind me and then back to my face.

Was he wondering where Jimin was?
I couldn't be sure, he was hard to read unlike the other members.

His gaze then fell to my still unbuttoned pants, I quickly fixed myself and cleared my throat. "I was in the bathroom."

"Ah, well hyung we've been looking for you, Hoseok is drunk. I think we should leave before we make an embarrassment of ourselves." He shifted nervously, still searching behind me.

My shoulders slumped in defeat.
What else can go wrong?

"Gather everyone and meet me back here." We definitely didn't need dispatch reciving any drunken pictures of J-hope. These boys, why don't they behave?

Yoongi hesitated before turning into the crowd, seeking to retrieve Hoseok and the rest of the members.

Atleast it wasn't Jimin this time, more often than not he was the one inebriated at these events. I did taste some alcohol in his mouth, but he seemed fine?

My cheeks swelled and face reddened at the recollection of kissing him moments ago. I was ready to take him as mine in that hallway. My body buzzed with arousal. Yet, the feeling was short lived. As the image of the other boy's lips on Jimin's neck reverted back into my mind. The sound of his skin being kissed. Jimin's hands in his hair, their laughter. It was as if I couldn't mentally torment myself enough.

My tongue pressed into the side of my cheek. Jealousy stung at me again. 

Damn it all.

Is he only attracted to me when he is drunk? I frowned.

I didn't want to know the answer to that right now.

Who was I to be jealous? I had pushed him away, denied his advances. I was confused and didn't know what I wanted, but one thing was certain. I didn't want that boy to have him.

Glancing around I prayed that I wouldn't spot him again. I wasn't sure if I could mentally handle it. It would take a lot of self control to not physically harm him right now. I was still bothered at how easily Jimin folded to him.

His well formed and stunning features were unfair. There was no question as to why Jimin would go after him.

Had he known that boy? Or did he just meet him? My head hurt. I rubbed my temple in circles.

Concentrate Namjoon, you need to corral the boys.

I need to go back and get Jimin. I thought again.

The adrenaline from my rage had pacified, now I was struck with regret. What is wrong with me...Jimin isn't even mine. I interrupted them out of my own jealous confusion, and subconscious desires.

I turned back ready to head in the direction of where I left him, I needed to collect him before anything else.

Instead I felt the tug of my sleeve. Jimin stood sulking. Holding onto me in effortless grasp. In his other hand was his suit jacket, the edges of it brushing against the floor. I sucked in a breath of relief.

"Im here hyung..." he whispered hoarsely.

He looked wrecked. Had he been crying? Of course he was crying, I caused it with my bitter words.

I lowered my hand grabbing his, squeezing it tight.

I'm so sorry. The words crossed my mind but didn't part from my lips.

The other members gathered around us, observing Jimin's unsettled state. I guaranteed myself they were mentally posing questions, but at the moment there was too much preoccupation with Hoseok. They were struggling to keep him standing upright. He was loud and uncaring of the attention it brought.

The situation wasn't ideal."Let's go" I sighed outloud. My grip still tight on Jimin's hand. Afraid to let go, or let him out of my sight.

This night has become an absolute disaster.

I escorted our group, pulling him behind me gently, more than eager to exit the award gallery doors. Anticipating feeling the spring night. I wanted to breathe easier.

In my view I caught a glance of the raven haired boy, standing amongst other idols. We locked eyes, his gaze traveled to my hand intertwined with Jimin's.

I furrowed my brows, mentally piercing him with daggers. He stepped to hide within his group, not seeking conflict in any sorts.

Yes, know your place bastard.

I smiled at my small petty victory, my dimples manifesting. The doors opening before me allowed a cool breeze to pass through my clothes and onto my sweat drenched skin. Awakening my senses, Jimin's hand still in mine.

Just a little longer. Hold my hand a little longer.

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora