Part 22: Haeundae Beach

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Jimin had fallen asleep against my chest by the time we had reached Haeundae Beach, a popular attraction in Busan. The sun was in the beginning stages of setting. Tall buildings guided our way through the city stretched along the coast. I shook him softly and caressed my fingers across his cheek. "Hey, wake up. We're here."

Jimin stirred opening his eyes warily. "Mmh, already?" Slowly leaning up to stretch and gaze around, he gave a look of realization. Seeming to now wake up much faster. "Are we in Busan?" His voice perked up.

I nodded. "Yes we are."

I hope he likes this.

Jimin's eyes appeared to flood with thousands of memories, staring through the window as he slipped his hand into mine. During our trainee days, he spoke nonstop about his family trips to this beach. He was fond of those times, and I hoped to make our own happy memories here too.

Around this time, most of the tourist and some locals were starting to turn in for the night. The streets yielded very little traffic. I cracked my window, allowing the salt air to find its way to my senses. Hoping for better ventilation. I inhaled, feeling relaxed and refreshed by the breeze blowing in. Filling the car with its distinctive enriched smell, as it had started to become stale before then.

The ride had taken pretty long and I was ready to get out and stretch my legs, my whole body actually. I pressed my hand to my stomach, hoping it wouldn't growl outloud and give away just how hungry I actually was. Threatening to ruin the mood.

Jimin turned to me and snuck a kiss, and then another. "You really remembered? About my family trips here?" He sounded surprised and curious.

"You only ever talked about it everyday. How could I forget."

He wrinkled his face with irritation at my response. Most likely not what he wanted to hear.

I cracked a grin, and drew his chin in close. Parting my lips and pressing them into his, licking his mouth. He gave in. I kissed again and then spoke in-between my movements against his lips. "I remembered because you are the person I care about. This place is important to you, and you are important to me."

This time he was satisfied with my answer, taking every kiss in more hungrily. His hands rubbed up my thighs. I shifted, almost pulling him into my lap. Until I heard our driver clear his throat loudly.

My gaze fell onto the rear view mirror where he was glaring at us. Giving a look of disapproval for our physical advancements towards eachother. We were potentially making it awkward for him.

I bowed my head in apology.

I really need to have some privacy with him. Look at us, and I have the nerve to say that Taekook has no tact or composure for themselves.

Jimin also took notice, and eased back into his seat. Annoyance radiated from him, but he had just enough respect to know when to stop in the presence of others.

"We will be alone together soon." I assured him.

"I hope you can handle it." He replied, determination and lust spread across his appealing features.

My face reddened.

I really hope I can match his stamina.

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Where stories live. Discover now