Part 14: Facing the fear

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Nausea engulfed me.

Urging me to vomit at any second as I entered the sliding doors of the emergency room behind Jungkook. I was zombified. Staff ushered us into a private waiting room. I felt as if I was being led to my early grave. The antiseptic aroma of the hospital bombarded me, worsening the feeling. I gagged into my hands.

This is a nightmare.

The other group members were joined together in a corner. Pale tear streaked faces reflecting in artificial luminescent light, bearing the likeness of ghost. A cup of coffee rested on a side table, now cold as it was barely touched. Static hums filled the room.

Jungkook neared Taehyung, guiding him into his embrace, pressing a kiss into his temple. Taehyung flattened his face into Jungkooks chest, weeping and pulling at his cotton shirt between his thumb and index finger.

My lip quivered wanting to mimick his disposition. I needed to stay strong, because I wanted to crumble into the floor at their feet.

"Is h-he okay?"

Hoseok clutched my arm, caressing it empathetically. Yoongi remained in the corner, his face bent into his palms secretly wiping tears. Seokjin sat rested on the floor near Yoongi's feet, showing a glazed look of exhaustion. I wanted to beckon them into my arms, yearning to comfort them all.

"He is still in the ICU, the medical staff affirmed they would inform us when he was moved to another room." Yoongi sulked through the declaration.

"What happened, why did he do this?"

Pain pounded through my head, tempting me to gag again.

Jin sighed. "We only know that he was insanely distressed about the dispatch news, and possibly inebriated."

"Namjoon" he continued. " going on with you and Jimin? Something happened between you two." The question was almost accusatory, but knowing Seokjin it was purely concern.

How do I begin to answer that.

Hoseok interrupted. "The collaboration was a setup Namjoon. Im sure you are aware by now. You should have told us about it, instead of going alone. You walked into a trap set up by Celeste, Chung...and Min-jae. There was a collaboration, but not the one you thought. It was one against you. All of us technically."

My eyes darted between them.
Set up by all three of them? How is that possible.

Jin sucked his teeth, daring Hoseok to interrupt again. "Hybe works fast. We all know that. They investigated as soon as the news outlets released the false statements. Chung came clean pretty quickly. His termination is currently pending. Celeste deleted all of her social media platforms hours ago. She was blackmailing him. She had photos of him with a young woman from one of the many hostess clubs she owns. She threatened to spread the pictures to the media and his wife."

"And Min-jae?" I added.

"He is distantly related to Celeste, we haven't quite figured out the reasoning behind his involvement yet. Other than maybe the fact Hybe turned him down for a contract a year ago. We suspect that he sought her help, using Chung to downplay any doubts or concerns you might have had. Revenge tatic maybe." Taehyung spoke up through his sniffles.

I have another huge reason in mind, or more like a petite blonde haired reason. Jimin.

My eyes narrowed.

I'm planning on finding out. Starting by finding and confronting Min-jae.

A Doctor approached, his worn face not revealing any details. "He's awake and stable for now, we were lucky that his injuries weren't too severe." He paused to breathe. "We just moved him to a room. Only one person can visit at a time."

Everyone dissolved into relieved sobs.

"Let me see him, please." My body quaked under every emotion I held back.

I'm coming Jimin.

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang