Part 16 :Don't ask questions

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Locating Min-jae's whereabouts felt dubiously easy. Even so, I was thankful to have enough connections and respect to do it without much issue.

Convincing Hoseok to join me was the hard part.

"Don't ask questions, I need you to take me somewhere. I trust you to help me with this." I gripped the phone, hoping he would be convinced.

"Im unsure about this Joonie, what are you planning?" his apprehension was evident.

My fingers twitched impatiently. "You told me I shouldn't have gone alone when I met with Celeste, well now I need you. Unless you want me to ask Seokjin."

Would Seokjin even agree to this?

There was silence before his answer. "Give me twenty minutes and I'll be there."

Hoseok would never admit this out loud, but everyone was well aware that he suffered from severe fear of missing out. In most anything, he wants to be included.

I hope that Im right to involve him.

The spring night was alive with the sound of crickets and frogs by the time he arrived. The ground was damp from a recent rainstorm. A earthy musk hung in the air, stars twinkled about the dark sky. It was almost beautiful, in comparison to what I had planned.

I waited as he backed his car into the shadows away from the street lights of my apartment. I started to reconsider my decision, wondering what questions were possibly racing through his mind. However, I wanted to see my intention through. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and joined him in the car. "I will tell you where to go."

His face wrinkled into worry.

I instructed him to pull into an alley near my intended destination, away from any known CCTV that would catch our movements. Hoseok's eyes widened when I opened my bag to pull out baseball caps, and black disposable mask. "You can stay here if feel you uncomfortable." I assured him.

"Are we in a K-drama?" He tried to joke through his concern. "Joonie what are we really doing here at this time of the night? You told me not to ask questions but you're starting to scare me. Everything you're doing is really strange."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I want answers from Min-jae about his involvement, I just can't let him get away quietly." I motioned to a hostess bar owned by Celeste a few blocks away.

"If the information I was given is correct, then he is in there right now. It is apparently the only one he secretly manages. I'm going to confront him. As I said before, you can wait here if you aren't comfortable."

Hoseok shifted in his seat causing his brown hair to fall into his troubled eyes. He was still indecisive. The silence between us was so deafening, I could only hear our own breathing for the next fifteen minutes.

"Joonie isn't that him!?" He rose up in alarm, pointing to the front entrance of the bar. Min-jae had stepped out, alone.

Startled, my eyes followed to where he pointed.

A flash of orange lit up his face from the lighter clicked in his hand. His newly dyed red hair was far too noticeable, even in the dark. He held a cigarette captive between his lips, taking a long drag.

Focused, I slipped on the hat and mask while throwing open the car door. Then easing it shut behind me, my legs prompted me to walk quickly towards him. Hoseok scrambled to throw on his disguise and follow my steps.

Min-jae exhaled smoke from his mouth and nose. He bent his neck from side to the side in an attempt to stretch. He seemed relaxed, which bothered me.

Actually, it pissed me off seeing him without a care.

How can he masquerade about, feeling free of guilt.

My fist balled tight as I neared. Min-jae noticed my approach, his eyes fixated on me with curiosity then flickered with fright. In a burst of sudden realization he flung his cigarette, it's sparks skitted the ground. He became a blurr, tearing off towards a nearby alley.

In effect, I sprinted. Deeply determined to not allow his escape from my inevitable vendetta against him.

I'll make him wish he never crossed me.

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Where stories live. Discover now