Part 18: He is worth it

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Since the altercation with Min-jae, life seemed quiet. This was almost unsettling. With everything that happened as of late, it felt as if I had to brace myself for the next unfortunate occurrence, hiding just around the corner. Waiting to bash me, or destroy me.

Hybe swiftly and cleanly, cleared up the dating rumors. They terminated Chung, and pressed legal charges against him. Anything pertaining to Min-jae and Celeste will be pending investigation. Jimin's incident was kept from circulating the media. Hush hush, they said. As to not upset fans, or any Knetz. All the members were very thankful for this. We needed time as a group to process the recent events, as well as discuss how they came to be. All of it. Including what started between Jimin and I.

With the stamina I still had. Planning the trip as promised took priority. I grinned as I propped my elbows against my desk, scrolling my phone. Eagerly searching and writing down the best seaside picnic locations and cheesiest pick-up lines. Should I start a romance themed pinterest board? Is that overdoing it?

I tapped my pencil eraser against my lips thoughtfully.

I wanted to charm him, impress him, and explore my feelings towards him. Show that his love would no longer be unrequited. It was something that I almost realized too late... I'm falling for him too. The feeling must have always been there, groundless until now. I wanted to express myself. Determining how to do it would be the tricky part. The boy is a hopeless romantic, and dating is not my forte. Perhaps just gracing him with my time and affection would be a starting point.

I took shelter in the reality of Jimin doing well. Most of his minor wounds were healed. My worries for him once again were eased off.

His concerns, however, were not. During any hospital visitation, I hid my bruised hand. Ignorantly wishing that my continual gift giving would distract him. One habitual gift of choice happened to be a bouquet of peony flowers. Beautiful and sweet scented, in likeness of him. Upon researching online, I read about a legend.The story symbolized their representation of healing and attraction.
This seemed fitting for the occasion.

Even so, despite wishful thinking and tactile distractions. I was fully and painfully aware that he noticed. His eyes asked the questions that his voice would not. How could he not notice? Part of me was ashamed for my behavior, acting completely out of my own character. I was afraid of what Jimin and the others would think. Especially since Hoseok was there to bear witness.

When I decided to stop using the name Rap Monster, it was because I determined that it was no longer representative of who I am or the music I create. Yet, lately, I felt exactly like that. A monster. Someone that I didn't want to be. To him, or anyone else.

Still, Jimin didn't ask, and I didn't tell. Earlier today, he beamed at the sight of me. "I missed you," he stated as he took the fresh peony bouquet into his hands, smiling and smelling into them.

I kissed his forehead and returned the words, "I missed you too." Then forced him to make room in the hospital bed. I wanted to embrace him in my arms as he talked my head off. Even through the tight fit, it was wonderful, every second of it.

Being beside him is worth it. He is worth it. I want to show him how perfect he is to me. Maybe I could use some dating advice. Who can I ask? Those were my thoughts at the time.

I snapped my fingers with an epiphany around that moment. "Taekook" I had spoken outloud with enthusiasm.

Jimin had tilted his head with confusion, stopping mid sentence at the interruption of my spoken thought.

I waved it off quickly. "Sorry please continue, I'm listening."

"Okay" he smiled again, before reiterating his words. "Will you come again tomorrow, please?"

"Yes, of course I will."

Seeing him in such a manner earlier, overfilled me with joy. I wanted it to be that way everyday.

I closed my notebook and leaned back in my desk chair, blushing as I reminisced those happenings.

Everything will be planned perfectly somehow. I Just need a little help, but for now I'm excited to see him again. Tomorrow can't come fast enough.

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Where stories live. Discover now