Part 6: Look at me

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The next morning we gathered together for breakfast, we had a busy schedule planned for the day ahead. That night we were to present at the MAMA music awards. The group members spoke and laughed casually while eating in a hum of eagerness for the day ahead.

Jimin barely touched his food, staring down at his plate. His chopsticks resting loosely between his fingers, lost in thought. The others took notice. Hoseok nudged Yoongi looking in his direction, causing his lips to part a quiet "eh?"

Everyone shared a look of worry. Taehyung was rested with his back to Jungkook's chest, his eyes darted back and forth between the members before turning his head up to mummer something unheard by the rest of us. Jungkook rubbed his shoulder softly nodding in response. Each of them whispering amongst themselves.

Jin didn't hold back as he acknowledged our strange behavior. There was no such thing as a poker face when it came to him. He scooted his seat closer to mine "Namjoon." I looked up, meeting his gaze. He appeared concerned in expression as he rested his hand on my shoulder. "Are you alright?"

I faked a smile, changing my tone to sound more charismatic "Im just feeling tired, and slightly overwhelmed. We have a lot to do today hyung. I want this event to go over perfectly."

Im their leader afterall, they depend on my guidance. I reassured myself.

Jin was unconvinced but nodded anyways, there was no point in him interrogating me. He knew that.
He knows I'm lying.

"Alright" I began, causing the members to cease their chatter and focus on me. "Let's go over the schedule for tonight's events" I spoke not allowing the tremble in my voice to take over when noticing Jimin was still looking away.

Look at me. My mind begged.

 I don't mind waiting. [MinJoon]Where stories live. Discover now