Part 25: I will carry him through fire

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The tub was large enough to fit both of us. It's bath water was warm, relaxing all of my muscles. I felt as if I had just completed an intense workout.

Jimin's back pressed into my chest. He seemed relaxed enough to fall asleep. I lathered soap in my hands and ran it against him. My lips traced his shoulder as I cleaned his body. "So, tomorrow... I arranged for us to have dinner with your parents."

Jimin's relaxed state vanished as he shot a worried look, turning his head to fixate on me.

"Don't worry." I assured. "We don't have to tell them about us, until you're ready. You haven't seen them in a while, and we're already in Busan. It's just a visit, you have nothing to worry about. They are excited to see you."

He smiled with relief. "You're always looking out for me Hyung, thank you."

"You know that you're very special to me right?" I asked without pause.

"Am I?" Jimin asked teasingly.

I set my jaw, feeling too serious at the moment for jokes. In realization, he cleared his throat and nodded stiffly.

"Jimin, I love you." The words finally came, knocking the air from my lungs. I held it in for so long. I needed to finally say it to him.

His eyes widened then softened. He leaned further back into my arms, kissing my hand that wore our couple ring. "I love you more." His voice threatened tears, as if he thought he would never hear those words from me.

My embrace tightened, my thoughts traveled to Min-jae and his text from earlier. I wasn't sure what his plan happened to be, but I knew we had more trouble to come in our future. However, I planned to hold on tight, and weather the impending storm.

"I will protect this relationship no matter what." The statement left my lips sternly.
"Just stay by my side Jimin."

He smiled. "I won't let go of you Namjoon."

I will protect us. Gladly bearing the burden of the world crashing onto us. As long as he escapes unharmed, I will take every last lashing thrown our way. I am determined to see this through. I will carry him through fire, protecting his smile the whole way. Even if I have to become the devil himself. My angel will take to the skies, and fly so high. Never in my shadow, he will never lose his way. I'll remain the guiding light that leads him home.


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